研究実績の概要 |
During H26, we continued our work at adding entries to the Contextual Dictionary of the Thirteen Chinese Classics, adding 3,743 new entries. I.e., we raised the total number of entries in the dictionary at the end of H25--37,454--up to 41,197. Among the Thirteen Classics (十三經), during H26, we finished adding all single characters and compound words from the Analects 論語 and the Mencius 孟子. We also added all words from the Huainanzi 海南子 (although it is, strictly speaking, outside of the Thirteen Classics). During the latter half of H26, we began to work at adding the words from the Shijing 詩經 and the Shujing 書經. At the present time, we have added approximately 70% of single kanji and compound words from the Shijing 詩經 and approximately 10% of the single kanji and compound words from the Shujing 書經. It is of special importance that many of the single kanji being added during this process are being included into an English-language dictionary for the first time in history.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
We will continue to go forward with the same project of developing the Dictionary of the Thirteen Chinese Classics, primarily through the work of graduate student assistants, thus we will need the support money. We will also need to fund travel to report on the project and to gather new information.