研究実績の概要 |
During H27, we continued our efforts at adding entries to the Contextual Dictionary of the Thirteen Chinese Classics, adding 5,156 new entries. I.e., we raised the total number of entries in the dictionary at the end of H25--41,197--up to 46,353. During this year, we added all the single characters and compound words from the Zhuangzi 莊子, and about half of the words from the Shijing. We also translated approximately 3,000 words from three kinds of Chinese-Japanese dictionaries (漢和辞典): the Daikangorin 大漢語林, the Gakken kanwa jiten 学研漢和辞典, and the Kadokawa jigen 角川字源. It is of special importance that many of the single kanji that were included are being defined in an English-language dictionary for the first time. .