研究実績の概要 |
On April 23, 2015, I was invited by Niall Munro to share the research I'd conducted on labouring class perspectives of the land at Oxford Brookes University. Owing to the feedback I've received, I completed the first draft of Coleridge's Aesthetics of Enclosure, which communicates the tragic consequences of the enclosure movement for the eighteenth century and for our time through Coleridge's writings on landscape, William Shenstone's land management practices, and James Woodhouse's experience of the Leasowes Park. The essay has been accepted for publication by the international journal RaVon (Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net), and I am currently working on the revisions suggested by one of their readers.
As for the other members of the team, Kaz Oishi conducted research on middle-class conciousness of London's suburban environment in early nineteenth-century literature, paying especial attention to the poems of Keats and the gardening tracts of John Claudius Loudon. Yuko Otagaki focussed on pedestrian literature, in particular, topographical descriptions by Henry Kirke White and Ann Yearsley to delineate the class differences underlying their environmental aesthetics. Kuri Katsuyama studied how Chinese gardens were viewed by the different members of Macartney's embassy to China from 1793 to 1794. She is working up the results of her research for a future book chapter on class and sensibility.