研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 新潟県立大学 |
研究代表者 |
BROWN Howard 新潟県立大学, 国際地域学部, 准教授 (40562145)
研究分担者 |
伊与部 ベサニー 新潟県立大学, 国際地域学部, 講師 (90570424)
研究期間 (年度) |
2013-04-01 – 2016-03-31
キーワード | English-medium / 英語による教育 / CLIL / ICLHE / Higher education / Japanese universities / EMI |
研究実績の概要 |
Based on the pilot study of EMI programs at eight universities conducted in FY 2013, a survey instrument was developed to investigate the aims and structures of undergraduate EMI programs in higher education in Japan as well as the make up of the student body and faculty involved in EMI. The survey was implemented both electronically and on paper in the spring and fall of 2014 at 258 universities reported by MEXT as having EMI programs (response rate 44.6%). Data was collected and analyzed during the winter of 2014 / 2015 and is now being prepared for publication. Results indicate that undergraduate EMI programs serve less than 10% of the university's student body, though many are expanding. Most programs focus on humanities and social sciences and many are unstructured; however, there is a growing trend towards more structured programs. The number of full-degree EMI programs is small but growing, based on strong government support. Most EMI programs are elective parts of a mainly Japanese degree program and serve domestic students. A concern at many universities is the low English proficiency of domestic students; however, little is being done to test or set language benchmarks and coordination between EMI and language classes is lacking. EMI faculty members are largely Japanese and they are seen as key factors in the success of programs; though there is little training and professional development for them. There is much variety in EMI programs in Japan but neither the type nor size of university is a reliable predictor of how a university chooses to approach EMI.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The project proceeded smoothly in 2013, laying the groundwork for a smooth FY 2014. Data collection and analysis were both fairly smooth. During data collection two minor issues emerged which did slow the process somewhat. First several survey recipients contacted the researchers to ask for clarification of the meaning of EMI? EMI, 英語による教育 in Japanese, is relatively new and the terms are not yet in common use. Also, this research project used the official MEXT definition of EMI which is somewhat vague. Many universities were uncertain if their program should be counted as EMI or not under such naming and definitions. Also, there appears to be some inaccuracies in the list of universities offering EMI as provided by MEXT. 16 universities, 14% of the responses, reported that they do not offer EMI, despite being on the list. Also, a total of at least 5 universities known to offer EMI at the relevant time, were not on the official list. This limitation will need to be addressed as the research progresses.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
For FY 2015 the research project is prioritizing preparing the FY 2014 survey results for publication. The research has been accepted as a presenter at several conferences. Domestic conferences include the Conference on Global Higher Education in Tokyo and the JALT International Conference in Shizuoka. Internationally, the research results will be presented at the fourth Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education Conference in Brussels.
Also, the third and final stage of the research project has begun. Based on the pilot study and the survey results, four universities were chosen for in depth case studies. Data will be collected from these universities through site visits, interviews and document analysis. The purpose of the case studies is to establish a set of best practices for undergraduate EMI in Japan. Data collection for these case studies is anticipated to continue for three years, through FY 2018.
The plans for FY 2015 may end up being slightly behind schedule. At the end of FY 2014 a co-reseacher (Bethany Iyobe 研究者番号90570424) left the project. She will no longer be contributing to the data collection or analysis.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Unused funds in FY 2014 are due mainly to the departure of the co-researcher. When she left the project, budget items (a total of ¥183, 012)originally allotted to her were not used. Funds allotted for travel (related to data collection) were not used. Also, less money was needed for personnel expenses than was originally expected.
次年度使用額の使用計画 |
The funds carried over from FY 2014 will be used to support the FY 2015 project plans. In particular, the money will be used on transcription and translation services related to data collection for the case studies now underway.
備考 |
This is a basic website giving an overview of the project and links to published results.