研究概要 |
1. The new cluster server “Shkaf-2” is assembled. It comprises of 128 cores (in 32 Intel Core i5 processors), 832 gigabyte of total memory, 96 terabyte of disk storage. Nominal performance is 3 teraflops, 5 times faster than the previous cluster. The Linux operational system, Cluster Toolkit, Intel Fortran 90, REMP code, data management, and post-processing package were installed. 2. Using the cluster “Shkaf-2”, the multi-parametric 2D PIC simulations were performed for various tailored plasma density profiles and different laser pulse parameters. The laser power is from 100 TW to 1 PW, beam f-number from 1.5 to 20, pulse duration from 35 fs to 70 fs. Plasma density is 1.E+20 per cubic cm at maximum with the density jump from 2 to 5 times on the length from 1 to 50 micron. 3. Preliminary high-resolution 2D PIC simulations were performed using the cluster “Shkaf-2” and a 3D PIC simulation was preformed at the supercomputer in JAEA-Tokai, for the region of interest (ROI) found in previous simulations. 4. Using the cluster “Shkaf-2”, high-order harmonics generation in preplasma created by the laser prepulse interacting with solid density target is investigated with multi-parametric 2D PIC simulations. It is found that the high-order harmonics quality reveals the laser-target interaction properties, which is crucial for diagnostics. 5. A paper was submitted in “Nuclear Instruments and Methods A”.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
Owing to the advanced payment, additional memory was purchased and installed into the cluster “Shkaf-2”. This has enabled high-resolution 2D PIC simulations using the cluster “Shkaf-2”. The simulation data (HHG timing, energy and divergence) were crucial for determining the strategy of future simulations.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Using multi-parametric 2D and 3D PIC simulations at the cluster “Shkaf-2”, I will investigate the scaling laws and limits of the high-order harmonics energy, brightness and divergence. The results will allow to crucially refine the region of interest and to choose proper parameters for the high-resolution 3D PIC simulations on the supercomputer in JAEA-Tokai.
次年度の研究費の使用計画 |
I have completed the goal of FY2013 with smaller budget than that in the original plan. The funds will be used for purchasing equipment for numerical simulations (storage disks, uninterruptable power supply and memory chips to get the planned 1024 gigabyte RAM), and for publication fees.