研究実績の概要 |
1. Owing to this grant, I assembled the cluster server Shkaf-2 comprising of 128 processor cores, 1024 Gb of memory, 96 Tb of disk space. Its nominal performance of 2.97 teraflops is 5 times greater than the previous cluster Shkaf built in 2009 using the grant Wakate (B) 21740302 "Bow wave in laser plasma and electron acceleration" (2009-2011). I installed the Linux operational system (Debian), Intel Cluster Toolkit, my code REMP, and my post-processing package. 2. Using the cluster Shkaf-2, I performed multi-parametric 2D PIC simulations of the high-order harmonic generation (HHG) for various tailored plasma density profiles and different laser pulse parameters. Basing on the parameter survey, I performed a 3D PIC simulation. The parameter domain includes the conditions accessible in the future experiments with the newly constructed JKAREN-P laser at KPSI. 3. I investigated the scalings of the HHG. The predicted emission energy, brightness and divergence enabled to formulate optimal strategies for realizing a compact coherent x-ray source. A valuable by-product of my investigations is a large amount of high-resolution data on nonlinear processes in the laser-plasma interaction. 4. I performed dedicated simulations, which explained recent experimental finding of point-like sources of HHG in plasma irradiated by the J-KAREN laser. I investigated the HHG in preplasma formed in the laser interaction with a solid density target. Simulations showed that the harmonic quality indicates the laser-target interaction properties, which is crucial for diagnostics.