研究実績の概要 |
We updated the scenarios for the ITmaster use case under the cooperation with CTI (Campinas, Brazil). We added the rice cultivation early warning use case (from August 2014) under the cooperation with Kasetsart University (Bangkok, Thailand) and the Thai ministry of Agriculture. We validated the consolidated services by testing them on real users and to ensure that the services are conform with the requirements of the ITmaster use case in order to ensure deployment. It became part of a PhD thesis in partnership with the University of Sao Paolo (USP, Brazil). We updated the ontology-oriented folksonomy reference model according the two use cases. We set up a Best Practice Network to implement large-scale services and to foster the adoption of the implemented services. The CI@PracticeDay Series event has been created to promote the results of the project. The first 1st CI@PracticeDay workshop was organized on 24 Apr 2014 at CTI (Campinas, Brazil). We delivered the version 2 of three services: the Collective Intelligence Social Project Management (CISPM) extraction service with CI universal extractor from social project management contents, the CISPM organization service of social project management contents based on CI-map based Uniform Semantic Locators and the Exposing and Natural interaction service.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
The Nepal partners cannot participate in the project for the 2015-2016 period due the earthquake that happens. The Nepal team has been replaced by three field research teams: (1) The Seed Data Center and Live Learning Center for Farmers, Supanburi Province, (2) the Huai Kha Kaeng Wildlife Sanctuary Team, Utai Thanee Province and (3) the team of smart officers from the Thai Ministry of Agriculture.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
We plan to focus on a user evaluation based on both laboratory involvement and experimentation, and field results. We will study how the personalization will be included and involving adapting the user interface or adapting the content of the Collective Intelligence-based social project management from our version 1 to the needs or preferences to the users in the usecase. In this task, we will adapt the discovery functionality of the CISPM platform to the preferences of the involved community. Based on 2 Field research Thailand sites (1) HuaHuai Kha Kaeng Site (Utai Thanee Prov.), and (2) Seed Data Center and Live Learning Center for Farmers (Supanburi Prov.), we will focus on the major dimensions: the time and the expression dimension. A model of the user/community profile will be defined to capture long-term preferences expressed both in quantitative and qualitative terms, and implement algorithms for profile management; We will enhance the CI-based re-ranking algorithm taking into account quantitative and qualitative short-term preferences stated along with knowledge search and long-term preferences stated in the user profile. The 2nd CI@PracticeDay workshop will be co-organized on April 21st 2015 at KU in cooperation with the Thailand partners (Coop CyberBrain, the Ministry of Agriculture, NECTEC), the Brazilian partners (CTI, CNPq representative, The Brazilian Embassador) and the French LIMOS. Impacts at the standardization elevl will be done at the ISO/TC 211 - Geographic information/Geomatics and at a track at the 7th Int ACM MEDES Conference (Brazil, oct 2015).