研究実績の概要 |
The project delivered a collective intelligence (CI) oriented information knowledgeware platform for social project management. It integrates different project management-related CI web services and provide flexible project management knowledge sharing by using a collaborative decision making component. The knowledgeware is based on ontology-oriented folksonomies and domain reference ontology to represent social project management. Three services have been developped: (1)Discovering content and collective intelligence extraction service. This Collective Intelligence extraction service focuses on the semantic interoperability, collective categorization and self-referential collective intelligence within each project team , (3) the CI Organizational service. This service manages the Collective intelligence organization service based on CI (know-who, know-what, know-why, know-when, know-where, and know-how) Universal Semantic Locator indexing and management, and (3) a user-experience collector service. This service collects the user experience based on contextual, personalized CI-based experiences and interactions including semantic navigation with the different layers of knowledge, and (3) Dr. Frederic Andres joined the Research Data Alliance (RDA) consortium to promote open data on social project management. RDA consortium speeds up the exploration how best to exploit the data revolution to improve our knowledge and best practice in social project management. We found that RDA consortium benefit more society through data-driven research and innovation than ISO.