研究実績の概要 |
After working out the main quantitative characteristics of the spam messages in the corpus, in this second year I focused on the perception of these messages by ordinary readers. I conducted a study with 59 undergraduate students, who were presented four of the messages from the corpus and asked to evaluate these in terms of (1) overall credibility, (2) naturalness of the language, (3) likeliness of recipient's reaction. The results showed that there are indeed some significant differences with regard to readers' perceptions of spam. Most noteworthy, female participants tended to evaluate "likeliness of recipient's reaction" as significantly higher than their male peers. This outcome was rather unexpected, which suggests that our overall understanding of the language of dating spam is still insufficient. In addition, the participants were asked to freely comment on each of the messages. A quantitative analysis of these comments, which may help to explain the gender differences just described, is planned for the coming year.