研究実績の概要 |
Over the past 1 year I have achieved the following: 1) Determination of turbulent velocity spectra in prominences. Finding evidence of the energy injection scales and of both a cascade and inverse cascade of energy. Both the famous turbulent spectra: Kolmogorov and Kraichnan-Iroshnikov were discovered. 2) Full completion of the (PIP) code, a coding project led by myself. This is now ready and is being used for astrophysical research. New numerical methods were developed to improve the use of this code in astrophysical settings. 3) Discovery of ion-neutral separation as a result of the MHD Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the partially ionized plasma of a prominence. In many case I have shown that an ion-neutral centrifuge is formed, creating a vortex with a strongly ionized core. 4) Model of slow-shock formation and dynamical evolution in a partially ionized plasma. The shocks show an interesting structure, with the formation of an actual shock highly dependent on the hydrodynamic Mach number.