研究概要 |
This research project is an international history of military occupations and security alliances that examines the rise of American hegemony in Northeast Asia. During the first year, I conducted archival research on occupation policies of the United States towards Japan, Korea, and Okinawa, making a two-month research trip to the U.S. in the summer of 2013. Specifically, I immersed myself for two weeks in the most pertinent records deposited with the National Archives and Records Service in College Park, Maryland, and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. I also spent over two weeks examining relevant records at Columbia University's Oral History Archives, a week at Princeton University's Mudd Manuscript Library, and another two weeks at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the coming year, I intend to continue my archival research, this time in Japan and South Korea. Specifically, I plan on making regular research trips to Tokyo, Naha, and Seoul. In Tokyo I intend to examine pertinent records at the Foreign Ministry, Gaiko shiryokan, and the National Diet Library's Kensei shiryoshitsu, while in Naha I will visit the Okinawa Prefectural Library and the Okinawa Prefectural Archives. In Seoul I expect to examine official documents at the National Assembly Library, the Ministry of Defense, and the National Institute of Korean History. At the same time, I intend to spend part of this year reading through my archival materials in order to start writing about my research findings.