研究概要 |
In the history of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, rDzogs chen, i.e. “the Great Perfection,” forms a unique synthesis. The present project aims at elucidating rDzogs chen’s highest views by focusing on its original theory of the “three gnoses”(ye shes gsum). By analyzing its primary sources, different influences, and development, this research will examine how this model represents a specific unifying paradigm in Tibet while offering new materials and reflections for the study of Buddhist philosophy as a whole. This first year, I have focused on the major Buddhist rDzogs chen presenting the three gnosis : The collection of the Seventeenth Tantras of the Precepts Series (Man ngag sde rgyud bcu bdun) (ca. 8th-11th c.). These are the most ancient sources for the three gnoses’model, Klong chen pa’s (1308-1364) works, in particular, his Fourth Branch of the Heart-Essence (sNying thig yab bzhi) and among his Seven Treasuries (mDzod bdun): the Treasury of Words and Meanings (Tshigs don mdzod) and the Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle (Theg mchog mdzod). Klong chen pa is the greatest exegete of rDzogs chen who systematized the doctrine of the Seventeenth Tantras. I have examined how Klong chen pa’s theory was followed by later rDzogs chen and eclectic authors like PrajJnArazmi (1518-1584), ’Jigs med gling pa (1730-1798), ’Jam dbyangs mKhyen brtse (1820-1892) and ’Jam mgon Kong sprul (1813-1899). In particular, an edition, translation, and study of Kong sprul's manual of rDzogs chen, synthetizing the different sources mentionned above has been accepted for publication.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The implementation of the research plan proceeded well. Thanks to the support of the JSPS, I could accomplish an important fieldwork research in the Kathmandu Valley where are located many active Tibetan Buddhist monasteries, belonging in particular to the rNying ma pa and Bon po traditions to which the tradition of rDzogs chen is associated. I could thus gather many written sources on rDzogs chen, and have important interviews with Tibetan Buddhist scholars. I was also invited to give a guest lecture at Kathmandu University, Center for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, where I presented the importance of rDzogs chen philosophy in Tibetan Buddhist synthesis and for the so-called "impartial" (ris med) approach. Thanks to the discussion that followed with the distingued scholars who where present, I could benefit greatly in order to deepen further my philosophical analysis. As for all the various sources examined during this first year, in particular,I have gathered all relevant sources concerning a major Dzogchen manual by ’Jam mgon Kong sprul blo gros mtha’ yas (1813-1899), the rDzogs chen ma bu khrid yig dri med zhal lung. My edition, translation and analysis of its part on the description of the nature of mind was accepted for publication. The interest of this work is that it summarizes all the sources studied this year and open the way for the philosophical discussion of rDzogs chen's unique synthesis. Now it will be the time to deepen further the analysis of the most ancient sources and communicate the results in future publications.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The second year I will consider the Indian MahAyAna elements and VajrayAna elements which are mentioned or identifiable within the selected Buddhist rDzogs chen materials. I will finalize critical editions, annotated English translation and analysis. I will also examine at this point the three gnoses’ model in Bon sources of rDzogs chen: The earliest source on this model is The Oral Transmission of the Zhang zhung (Zhang zhung snyan brgyud) (?-11th c.?). In the Bon tradition, the main author who systematized and developed the three gnoses’ model is a late author, Shar rdza bkra shis rgyal mtshan (1859-1934). I will focus particularly on Shar rdza’ Treasury of Space and Intelligence (dByings rig mdzod). Concerning Chan/Chinese traditions in Tibet as recorded in Dunhuang manuscripts (Ueyama 1983, 1990), similarities with rDzogs chen seems restricted to the “mind series” (sems sde) and “space series” (klong sde) of rDzogs chen. Moreover the biggest difference is that rDzogs chen refers extensively to tantra. Nevertheless,it has been argued that the rDzogs chen theory of the three gnoses might originates from commentaries on the Awakening of the Faith of the Great Vehicle (大乗起信論) and its theory of the “three greatness” (三大): “essence” (體), “function” (用) and “attributes” (相) within the “unique mind” (一心). I will examine similarities, differences, and possible relations with this theory. Finally, in the philosophical discussion, I will analyze rDzogs chen architecture of levels, interpretative strategies for integrating and transcending other schools.