研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 立命館アジア太平洋大学 |
研究代表者 |
リー ティモシー 立命館アジア太平洋大学, アジア太平洋学部, 教授 (20635495)
研究分担者 |
森下 正昭 立命館アジア太平洋大学, 国際経営学部, 准教授 (80535865)
BUI ThanhHuong 立命館アジア太平洋大学, アジア太平洋学部, 助教 (80711556)
研究期間 (年度) |
2014-04-01 – 2017-03-31
キーワード | Tourism management / World Heritage Sites / Residents' attitude / Branding effects / Government policy / Stakeholder interviews / Questionnaire survey |
研究実績の概要 |
The researchers in the research project have successfully conducted the original fieldwork activities planned. The three members in the research project (LEE Timothy, BUI Huong, & MORISHITA Masaaki) have met major stakeholders in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS) (academics, government staff, industry practitioners, etc.) in the six countries of Japan, South Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mexico, and USA, and conducted questionnaire surveys with tourists who visited the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the six countries listed. The survey questions were focused on perception of UNESCO WHSs of tourists in terms of destination image and branding of destinations where the sites are located.
The project is continuing to accomplish the following objectives: a) Understand how the value of WHSs can be maximized for the local tourist destination in terms of local identity, authenticity, and management; b) Promote collaboration between relevant stakeholders for destination development tourism activities related to WHSs; c) Learn how WHSs can reshape and enhance national/local identity, and enlighten tourists about national history and pride; and d) Elaborate on the regional effects of WHSs on social and managerial practices.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Reflecting on FY2015, the researchers confirm the progress was made as expected without a major concern. The rigor of this research is evident through the diversity of study sites, the sophisticated research methods and the international team of researchers. Firstly, the study elucidates the regional effects of the connections between tourism and WHSs in six countries in three regions, including Japan and Korea for North East Asia, Vietnam and Cambodia for Southeast Asia, and the USA and Mexico for North America. WHSs in respective countries were selected to maximize the variation of such as urban/rural setting, new/established sites and UNESCO criteria for cultural heritage designation. The variations in economics, politics, conservation/preservation practices, socio-economic disparity and legislative engagement of developed and developing world were also considered. More than 12 WHSs in the six countries were investigated. The followings presents the research performed in AY2015. (1) Interviews with stakeholders in heritage tourist destinations in Japan. (2) Conducted additional stakeholder interviews and questionnaire surveys with tourists at the 12 World Heritage Sites selected for each country: Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto and Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine (Japan), Gyeongju Historic Areas and Changdeokgung Palace (Korea), Teotihuacan and Xochimilco (Mexico), the Independence Hall in Philadelphia and the Statue of Liberty in New York (USA), Complex of Hue Monuments and Imperial Citadel of Thang Long (Vietnam), Angkor and Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia).
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In FY2016, the project will be continued as planned in the initial application. Additional questionnaire surveys will be conducted with tourists in South Korea and Japan to investigate how the tourists in the country are affected by UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS) in terms of destination image and visitor satisfaction. Questionnaire survey with the tourists at the WHS in the countries will be carried out in AY2016. The researchers will seek approximately 150 questionnaires in each of the six countries (300 in total): 1) How much does your interest in WHSs influence your decision to visit this city/country?; 2) How would you evaluate the interpretation, conservation, and authenticity of the WHS?; 3) How would you evaluate the involvement of local community in tourism at the destination?; 4) Are you willing to revisit this city/country because there is a WHS here?; and 5) Did your visit to a WHS improve your level of satisfaction in this city/country?
Survey data will be analyzed with a statistical technique for modeling tourist behavior, as well as measuring the effect of marketing of the destinations on tourists’ satisfaction. After analyzing the data, the researchers plan to triangulate the interview and questionnaire survey results. The knowledge about industry practices from the survey will allow professionals to construct and appropriately use the findings to manage WHSs better and in a way that generates more sustainable socio-economic benefits for the region. Presenting the result of the survey is planned at a top-tier international conference this year.