研究実績の概要 |
During the academic year 2017, we’ve been focusing on the post-production phase of our work. As noted in our last report, because we’ve collected far more data than we had expected, our human, financial and scholarly resources had to be used in the collection and cataloging phases. For that reason, we request to extend our grant an additional year in order to focus on post-production. 1.Full Archive of videos, meta-data, transcripts, etc. Specially, that means to review all of the transcriptions, to coordinate the coding, to check all of the links, to re-balance the audio and to upgrade and/or enhance the video where possible. We also began experimenting with developing a better way to access, search and compile narrators. To date, we increased the numbers of scholars who have used this data for their own work,which is an important goal of our project. Open Community Website (https://tohokukaranokoe.org/) in particular, we have checked all of the links, optimized the user interface and secure a safer, anti-virus digital environment. By last check we have more than 80,000 hits. 2.Generalization of the research model. This extra year has also allowed us to develop our research model into other areas, beyond 3.11 Disaster, including youth activists, political mothers, homeless research and refugees in Tokyo. In this way, we have achieved a new sort of “Digital Social Science,” brining the tools of Digital Humanities to the collection and digital dissemination of research on topics of contemporary society with live subjects.