研究実績の概要 |
As described in research planning proposal in 2015, an appropriate collection of references from current Japanese universities with ecodesign and sustainable design in their industrial design course appears to be lacking. In order to evidence and clarify the current ecodesign and sustainable design consideration in design education in Japan, the UK universities were chosen as reference in order to compare and to discuss ecodesign and sustainable design education. According to the results, the number of ecodesign and sustainability modules that have been integrated formally at undergraduate and postgraduate level in Japanese universities is relatively low in relation to British universities. The eight Japanese universities that offer industrial design courses with ecodesign and sustainability modules are characterized as optional modules with art/craft/design approaches, with the majority existing in private and prefectural universities. Only one national university has integrated ecodesign modules at postgraduate level. In contrast, in the United Kingdom the majority of sustainability modules at university level are considered compulsory and characterized as long term, with five universities offering sustainable design specialization at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The results have been detailed in the series of papers on design education for sustainability: DESIGN EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY (III) : An Overview of Japanese and UK Universities Integrating Sustainability into Product Design Course