研究実績の概要 |
In academic year 2017 two books that I either edited or co-edited appeared. The first was "Apocalypse Deferred: Girard and Japan" (South Bend: Notre Dame University Press) and the second was "Handbook of Mimetic Theory", co-editor with Wolfgang Palaver of “Part V: Apocalypse, Post-Modernity, and the Return of Religion” (New York: Palgrave Press). In this handbook I wrote two entries: “The Return of Religion” and “Scandal.” Both books contribute to the Kant project by deepening my understanding of the religious significance of violence and helping me to see how these themes are present in Kant's work. I also published a refereed article on the relationship between philosophy and the university, “Being on the Ground: Philosophy, Reading, and Difficulty,” Tetsugaku: International Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan. Finally, an older article, “Why Rousseau Cannot Laugh: Structuring Motif” was finally published in in "Mimetic Theory and World Religions", ed. Wolfgang Palaver and Richard Schenk (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press). This book was important because it helps me to keep Rousseau's religious thought clear to see how it influences Kant. Most importantly, I gave a paper at the 日本カント協会 for its symposium on カントとフランス哲学 in November. It was titled「カント、ルソー、訓練」and it was an exploration of the way Rousseau influenced Kant in his conception of philosophical method as that is explained in the last part of the Critique of Pure Reason.