研究実績の概要 |
During H 29 I was able to complete a major research essay in Japanese on the eighth-century statue of Yakushi and Yakushiji temple, Nara. I traveled to Nara several times to meet with the Yakushiji research office staff to discuss my findings. I spent most of my time this year writing up my research and less time presenting the research at conferences, as I had done extensively in the last two years. As a result of my activities I was able to consult with Prof. Michael Como at Columbia, Prof. Yukio Lippit at Harvard, and Prof. Youn-mi Kim at Ehwa University (Seoul). I had met with Como and Lippit in the previous year and they are now familiar with my research. Their assistance improved the article very much. The essay is with the editor of the volume but was not published in H29. It will be publishe din H30. I completed a third volume of the Asian Humanities journal with many essays related to my research in Buddhist art history. I made considerable progress this year; at the same time, writing in Japanese proceeded very slowly. The new essay based on the past two years of research is: 「歴史と信仰の枠組み-薬師寺本尊の台座再考」、佐野みどり氏編集長 『フレームの超域文化学I』 (株)青簡舎出版、 2018年. 30,000 字 My work provides a new perspective on the well known (National Treasure) statue and its fascinating pedestal. I will proceed to write a book with the Kiban B Kaken grant I received.