研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 東京大学 |
研究代表者 |
HONES Sheila 東京大学, 総合文化研究科, 教授 (70206035)
研究分担者 |
矢口 祐人 東京大学, 総合文化研究科, 教授 (00271700)
砂田 恵理加 国士舘大学, 政経学部, 准教授 (00439275)
カーターホワイト リチャード 東京大学, 教養学部, 講師 (00726234)
研究期間 (年度) |
2014-04-01 – 2017-03-31
キーワード | holocaust / testimony / memory / representation / space / geography |
研究実績の概要 |
Hones attended the Institute of British Geographers conference in London, where she participated in sessions on literary geography and made useful research contacts with scholars working in related areas in the UK, US and Australia. In October Carter-White had a research meeting in Tokyo with Prof. Kathrin Maurer, University of Southern Denmark, during which they discussed connections between her expertise in contemporary German counter-monumental museums and his work on the fragmented style of Holocaust testimony. In February our research team hosted Dr David Cooper (Manchester Metropolitican University, UK) for a week of discussions on literary geographies of testimony at the University of Tokyo. During this week we focused our discussions on literary geographies of testimony and poetry. While he was here, Dr Cooper gave a presentation on his work with literary geographies of poetry and GIS mapping in the British Lake District. In February, Carter-White made a research trip to the department of Geography at the University of Bristol, UK, to share ideas on literary geographies of testimony. Also in the first year, Hones published the monograph Literary Geographies Narrative Space in Let The Great World Spin (New York: Palgrave Macmillan) and had her 3,000 word entry on 'Literary Geography' accepted for the forthcoming 15-volume Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Wiley-AAG). She was also commissioned to write a 3,000 word commentary on the collection Historians Across Borders for The Journal of American Studies which she submitted in January.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
In 2014 we achieved or made good progress on our three main goals for the first year of the project. The first goal was be to establish our terms and define the extent of our research field. We began the construction of a framing bibliography (using the Zotero database) and worked together to identify areas of related interest in separate disciplines. The literary geographies of testimony online bibliography is being steadily expanded, drawing on a range of academic fields, from emerging areas of geographical research such as carceral geographies, to literary studies, law, tourist studies and history. Our second goal was to consolidate and develop our international research network. This was achieved through participation at the Institute or British Geographers conference, research meetings at the University of Tokyo, a research visit to the University of Bristol (UK) and ongoing work on the online literary geographies bibliography and new e-journal Literary Geographies. Our third goal for the first year was to work on the open-access online site specifically dedicated to the research project: the website is currently under production and we expect it to go live online in early summer 2015.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Planning for future work in the coming year is currently focused on two main projects. First, we are putting together a plan to organise a special issue of the journal Literary Geographies on the literary geographies of testimony. Second, we are now finalising our plans for a research meeting on the topic of literary geography in the UK in the summer of 2015. This meeting will enable members of the project, together with our research collaborators based in Europe, to come together to share ideas and generate new initiatives, not only in relation to the theme of this research project but in literary geography more generally. This meeting would be held in conjunction with an editorial meeting for the journal Literary Geographies, with the five journal editors all involved: Dr. Neal Alexander (English Lit; Aberystwyth University, UK;), Dr. David Cooper (English Lit; Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), Dr. Juha Ridanpaa (Geography, Oulu University, Finland) and Dr James Kneale (Geography, University College London, UK). Meanwhile Carter-White will turn his attention to a new research project on the concept of community in the Nazi death camps. This project will draw heavily on the written testimony of survivors and perpetrators, and will elucidate the theoretical and evidentiary significance of testimony for the geographical study of violent and traumatic events.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
次年度使用額の使用計画 |