研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 京都大学 |
研究代表者 |
アヴォカ エリック 京都大学, 文学研究科, 研究員 (20612261)
研究期間 (年度) |
2014-04-01 – 2017-03-31
キーワード | French Revolution / Theater and Dramaturgy / Oratory and Rhetoric |
研究実績の概要 |
During the FY2015, I took part to 2 symposiums closely related to my research project, held in Paris in May and June 2015. The transactions of both symposiums are about to be released in a book, and in an electronic edition. The papers I wrote for the circumstance are likely to provide 2 chapters of the book I am planning to achieve during the current FY, and to submit for a defence as a "HDR" thesis (entitlement to advise research) by next Spring (2017). I also wrote one more paper to be developped in the book. I also set up my further participation to other symposiums to come this year : I will give a special lecture in a research seminar in Paris-Sorbonne University in June, and take part to a symposium in the University of Rouen the next week. Both symposiums are also closely related to my project, and I started to proceed with the preparatory research. Last year, I also organized a Workshop during the Gakkai of the Japanese Society of French Language and Literature Studies (SJLLF), held at Kyoto University in November 2015: the topic of this workshop was also related to the project, and it gave me the oportunity to cooperate with Japanese colleagues involved in the same field of research.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
During the FY2015, I had to move from my previous position as an Assistant Professor of Kyoto University, and to get ready to take a new position as an Assistant Professor of Osaka University. I left the former one on September 30, 2015, and I took the new one this April, 1. Meanwhile, during 6 months, I had to teach in various places as a Hijoukin, which situation was not very practical to make critical steps in my research, eventhough I kept writing and searching on the topic. But the main difficulty was that I had to postpone the Winter trip I usually make to Paris: such trips are usually very usefull.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During the FY2016, I will have to finish my research project, and to finish writing the dissertation which I am planning to submit by nect Spring, 2017. I will therefore have a lot of activities: 3 trips to France. In June, I am invited to deliver a special lecture in a research seminar in Paris-Sorbonne University (June 2), and to take part to a symposium in the University of Rouen (June 7-9). In August, I am planning to spend 3 weeks in France in order to advance my research at the Bibliotheque Nationale (BNF-French National Library). In February and March 2017, I have to make a final trip to Paris, for final sessions at the BNF, and important meetings with my advisor, will be necessary. I am planning to spend more than 3 weeks, possibly an entire month. 2 trips to Tokyo: the Gakkai of the SJLLF, in May, during which I will meet my Japanese colleagues involved in the field, and discuss with the; the prospects of future cooperations, and a symposium at Tokyo University, in November.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
As the FY2016 is the last one of my project, I am planning to spend the whole amount of remaining funds.
次年度使用額の使用計画 |
3 trips to France: May 30-June 10, August 3-24, 3 weeks to 1 month in February and March 2017. 2 trips to Tokyo: May 27-29, November 2-4. The remaining funds will be mainly used to byu books.