研究実績の概要 |
SPRING SEMESTER Student consent forms created, explained, signed. CLIL materials created for 15-week face-to-face class, British and American Culture. Video linking classes with students from Russia, China, and East Carolina University (ECU). Preparations for video link between American university students and Japanese elementary school students, facilitated by Japanese university students. Video link conducted between ECU and Shimane at local elementary school. Elementary students surveyed on their willingness to communicate and attitudes to language learning via video link. End of semester surveys for both face-to-face and video-linking CLIL courses. August 2014: Visit to University of the West of Scotland (UWS) to discuss possibility of conducting content-based video link for student midwives. September 2014: 3-day visit to ECU; met with my research partner, Prof. Clark; observed classes and discussed a face-to-face workshop which Prof. Clark will deliver in 2015. FALL SEMESTER Created 15-week face-to-face CLIL course on linguistics November: Preparation for one-off video link between Shimane and UWS student midwives. 16 December: Video link between student midwives. Japanese students surveyed before and after video link on language learning experience, attitudes, contents preference. January 2015: Preparation for 2-hour CLIL workshop. 12 February 2015: I gave a workshop in Japanese to local junior high school teachers, explaining CLIL principles and practice, and introducing CLIL tasks and materials. March: CLIL 2015 Symposium preparation.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
I have created face-to-face CLIL materials for two courses (British and American Culture, and An Introduction to Linguistics). I have created some materials for video-linking CLIL materials, and organised outreach work at a local elementary school and at our medical campus. I have surveyed Japanese students and presented my finding locally and nationally. I have published a paper on my outreach video linking. I have promoted to CLIL to local teachers in a two-hour Japanese workshop, and I am organising a CLIL symposium in May 2015 for local university teachers.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
I will hold a CLIL symposium in May 2015, with a two-hour workshop for university teachers, introducing CLIL; four poster presentations about CLIL courses being conducted now; and two presentations about using content in language learning and video collaboration. My research partner will conduct a ten-hour drama workshop face-to-face. Students will be surveyed about the advantages of face-to-face learning over video collaboration. I will teach my CLIL linguistics course again face-to-face in Fall 2105 and hope to make these materials available to other university teachers. I hope to conduct more outreach work with younger learners, using university students to facilitate video collaboration.