研究実績の概要 |
I continued to collect data and work on the situation of the Europarties in situ. In December, I attended the Congress of the Party of European Socialists in Prague. This complimented visits to the ALDE (Liberals) and EPP (Conservatives) Congress in 2014 and 2015. Here I was able to listen to debates, hold on the spot and pre-arranged interviews, and contribute to some fringe meetings on the future of the Europarties. In January 2017, I undertook a research visit to Brussels to attend a seminar on the future of political parties from the non-partisan National Democratic Institute (USA). For the remainder of the trip, I undertook interviews with Europarty representatives from across the political spectrum. During the year, I also gave a presentation that included placing the Europarties in the context of global governance; wrote a joint paper with Leeds University Prof Simon Lightfoot (who went on to present our paper) that focused on the global counterparts of the Europarties; and incorporated work on institutionalism into a paper beyond this project which will be published in an international journal in 2018. I continued to update my blog - although intermittently.I applied to give a paper at the Mid-West Political Science Association (MPSA). It was accepted for the poster session rather than a main panel so, given the costs of the trip, I decided not to attend.I also gave three presentations on Brexit in Oita, Kyoto and Tokyo.I have also been able to incorporate my research findings into my undergraduate and post-graduate teaching.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During the year's extension, I will also seek to finish writing-up my research findings. Part of the goal here is to place the research in a slightly wider historical and institutional context. I am then hoping to find a publisher later in the year with a view to producing a book, in Japanese, later in 2018.