現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The main research objectives of the first year of our research were achieved in part due to significant advances of our research made in the previous years. They made possible for us to get new and viable models of cosmological inflation in early universe over the last year, by using most economic theoretical models in four-dimensional N=1 supergravity. It is worth mentioning that this area of theoretical research is highly competitive both in Japan and worldwide. We explicitly calculated the inverse transformation from a scalar-tensor gravity to the dual f(R) gravity theory and applied it for studying quantum (matter) corrections in Starobinsky inflationary model. We extended the Starobinsky inflation to N=2 extended supergravity for the first time. It represents an important step towards a construction of inflationary models in string theory and with extra dimensions. As regards realizing cosmological inflation in string theory, our progress was rather limited so far, despite of our considerable efforts.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
To get progress in theoretical description of inflation in string theory, more of our efforts and more of our cooperation with some leading researchers in string theory are needed. We already started joint research with our colleagues in Montpellier (France) and UCLA (Los Angeles, USA) in this direction, and further intensified joint research with our colleagues at the IPMU at the University of Tokyo. As a simplified approach to realizing inflation in string theory, we are going to construct and investigate in detail two-(scalar)-field inflationary models, by using non-minimal couplings of those scalar fields to the Starobinsky gravity. It is going to be a new and original approach. Next, we plan to get new applications of the inverse transform (from scalar-tensor gravity to f(R) gravity) towards getting new viable inflaton scalar potentials via the reconstruction procedure out of the observational data. This should give new insights into quantum (matter) corrections to the Starobinsky model.