研究実績の概要 |
The third and final year of this research project proceeded equally as smoothly as the previous two years in accordance with the original research project plan. The final year focused primarily on final data collection and analysis in order to create authentic material for online and in-class programs. The main research activities achieved were as follows: (1) Visits were conducted to interview key members of the American Chamber of Commerce Japan (ACCJ) in Tokyo. As was the case in the first two years, the focus of the interviews was to gain a deeper insight into the skills and mindsets required of Japanese employees working for international and foreign affiliate companies. As a result, confirmation of the level of intercultural business communication and understanding expected became extremely clear. (2) On-campus guest lectures by two predominant figures in the local Japan-Foreign business community were conducted. Similar to the 2015 lecture series, these two lectures were also recorded for uploading to a dedicated online resource homepage for university students. This homepage was designed and completed by the two researchers in this project. (3) Compilation of Japanese-English word lists and task sheet was also conducted and added to the homepage. The material was derived from the data collected and analyzed of the past three years to provide students with a large stock of independent learning materials in the field of intercultural business understanding and communication skills. Overall, the final stage of this research project was completed to a satisfactory level.