研究実績の概要 |
We have established a formative assessment method of novice programmers based on motivation and learning strategies. During the course, there would be students who get behind the class. The formative assessment is conducted to distinguish them from others for teaching staff to take care. Motivation and learning strategies of a student show his or her learning status. There are various learning statuses in the students. Our method uses a persona to characterize the learning status of a group of students. During the course, to detect students getting behind, our method uses the non-negative matrix factorization to decompose the learning behavior matrix into the learning status matrix. The learning behavior is collected automatically with a Web-based e-Learning system to support learning. The learning status matrix is initialized considering the similarity of the current course with the past one. The success in the application implies teachers of the courses can regard quite a few students as few personas to direct their learning to the goal. The preciseness of the formative assessment proves the proposed method can detect passive students during the course. The teachers can overcome the shortage of teaching staffs, assigning them only to detected passive students.