研究実績の概要 |
As the concrete outcomes of academic research, my works have been accepted 2 journal (Information and Management, IJASR) and 16 international conferences papers (PACIS 2014-2017, HICSS 2017, DESRIST 2014, AMCIS 2014, DEWS 2014-2015, and PIN-C 2015). Among these 18 papers, 8 papers deal with the designer-user interaction. With these outcomes, I presented them for the international academic communities and met diverse academic researchers in order to expand the research domains on the designer-user interaction studies. Based on these works, I already submitted Journal (JAIS, EJIS, ISR, and JIT), and two papers are ready to resubmit to the other International Journals (IJD, I&O).
Like this, this research project has allowed me to enhance a variety of potential opportunities.