研究実績の概要 |
Our goal is to develop a generic verification tool for robot algorithms. In this second year of funding, we continued the development of the tool and obtained some new results. -We had a paper accepted in AdHoc-Now'16 (to be published in July), which is an extension of our previous work: With the help of our verification tool, we could design and check new algorithms to solve the gathering problem in rings with four robots. More precisely, we studied the class of configurations SP4 which is the single class left open in this context. -Same results were also presented (without proceedings) in the Workshop on Distributed Robotic Swarms (WDRS'15) co-located with DISC'15. -Note that the Adhoc-Now conference attracts more practical researchers compared to other conferences we usually publish. This will be an opportunity to reach a broader audience. -While being on a totally different topic, namely Game Theory, we would like to mention another accepted paper (in CG'16, to be published in July). Indeed to obtain this result, we used techniques similar to the ones we introduced in our verification tool. Hence our Kakenhi funding indirectly contributed to that paper. We developed a tool that compute Nash Equilibrium (NE) and used it to find NE of the famous Mastermind game.