現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The initial Aims in the first year was to gather sufficient patient samples ,generate data with quality sufficient for publication to identify important novel genes and pathways associated with the disease. We have now achieve the all the aims described. We have now generated data showing important novel pathways which we hope will help us to understand the disease better. Our work has been presented in one of the biggest international OA conference and we are now preparing two manuscripts for publication. Thus, we are on track with what we initially set out to achieve.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
For for the next year, we will complete a more comprehensive analysis of the data generated. So far, we have only analyze data within the separate tissues (data analysis on cartilage and subchondral bone separately). WE will analyze the data from the two layers together and try to understand the interaction between the two layers. In addition, we will plan to perform Chip-Seq to look at histone modification, another important epigenetics events. We will also start functional analysis on the genes identified, trying to understand how these gene could cause OA. We will also explore whether any of the genes identified could be used OA biomarkers.