研究実績の概要 |
During the last fiscal year, I adapted the fusion primer approach used for Roche 454 sequencing to be used with Illumina. This step was necessary as Roche 454 service was discontinued. Two different sets of primers were developed. One set of primers was developed to amplify all eukaryotes to compare with previous results data obtained using 454. The other set of primers was designed to target Symbiodinium dinoflagellates. A closed system experiment was also established to monitor the contribution of scleractinian corals to the sedimentary DNA. The preliminary results of this project were presented at the Japan Benthic and Plankton Research Societies meeting in Hokkaido in September 2015, as well as at the 5th JAMBIO forum in February 2016 held at the University of Tsukuba. A manuscript based partially on the results obtained during this project was submitted to the international journal Frontiers in Marine Science (current status: revised version sent to the editor, accepted by one reviewer and awaiting the second reviewer decision). Another manuscript is in preparation to be submitted as a report in the journal Science.