[文献書誌] I.Sunagawa: Proceedings of the 13th General Meeting of IMA:Vol.2 Morphology and Phase Equilibria of Minerals. 195-207 (1986)
[文献書誌] I.Sunagawa;A.Sugibuchi: 岩石紘物鉱床学会誌. 81. 348-358 (1986)
[文献書誌] A.Kouchi;A.Tsuchiyama;I.Sunagawa: Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology. 93. 429-438 (1986)
[文献書誌] K.Maiwa;K.Tsukamoto;I.Sunagawa: Journal of Crystal Growth. 82. (1987)
[文献書誌] I.Sunagawa: Estudios Geologia. (1987)
[文献書誌] I.Sunagawa;Lu Taijing: Mineralogical Journal. 13. (1987)
[文献書誌] I.Sunagawa: "Lecture Notes,Erice International Summer School on Crystal Growth" Crystal growth and geoscience, 15 (1987)
[文献書誌] I.Sunagawa Ed.: "Morphology of Crystals,Part A,B,C." Terra Sci.Pub.,Tokyo/D.Reidel,Dordrecht, 1000 (1987)