[文献書誌] Hiroaki KUNIEDA and Kazuhito ITOH: ""Parallel 2D-FFT Algorithm on Multiprocessor System and its Performance Evaluation on NOVI System"" The 2nd Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems. (1989)
[文献書誌] Ben CHEN and Mahoki ONODA: ""An array architecture for solving linear system of equations by block Gauss-seidel algorithm and local reordering approach"" The proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications,Computers and Signal Processing. 56-59 (1989)
[文献書誌] Hroaki KUNIEDA and Shigeru TOYOSHIMA: ""Parallel Processor Scheduling for Digital Signal Processing"" Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems Vol.3. 1911-1914 (1989)
[文献書誌] Yoshinori TAKEUCHI and Hiroaki KUNIEDA: ""Parallel Processing for Bilateral Two Dimensional Filters"" Proceedings of 1989 Joint Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,Computers and Communications. (1989)
[文献書誌] Mineo KANEKO: ""Alternative Implementation of Systolic Recursive Digital Filters"" Electronics Letters Vol.25. 15. 982-983 (1989)
[文献書誌] Kazuhito ITOH and Hiroaki KUNIEDA: ""The Modularization and Synchronization of Digital Signal Processing Algorithms"" Proceedings of International Conference on Circuits and Systems. 472-475 (1989)
[文献書誌] 陳奔,小野田真穂樹: ""ブロック反復法による大規模線形連立方程式求解のアレ-ア-キテクチャおよび高速化手法"" 日本電子情報通信学会論文誌(A)72-A. 9. 1416-1422 (1989)
[文献書誌] Yoshinori TAKEUCHI and Hiroaki KUNIEDA: "“Multiprocessor Parallel Processing for Two Dimensional Recursive Digital Filtering"" 電子通信学会技術研究報告. CAS89-86. 101-108 (1989)
[文献書誌] Hiroaki KUNIEDA and Kazuhito ITOH: ""Constrained Rate Optimal Scheduling for Digital Signal Processing"" 電子情報通信学会第4回ディジタル信号処理熱海ワ-クショップ. (1989)
[文献書誌] Kazuhito ITOH and Hiroaki KUNIEDA: ""VLSI System Compiler for Digital Signal Processing;Modularization and Synchronization"" Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. (1990)
[文献書誌] Yoshinori TAKEUCHI and Hiroaki KUNIEDA: ""Two Dimensional Space Segmentaion Recursive Filtering Algorithm on Rectangular processor Array"" Proceedings of International Symposium on Ciruits and Systems. (1990)
[文献書誌] Hiroaki KUNIEDA and Kazuhito ITOH: ""Parallel 2D-FFT Algorithm on Practical Multiprocessor Systems"" The 3rd Transputer/OCCAM International Conference. (1990)