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[文献書誌] 家村浩和: "Session Report,Discussion of Special Theme Session SF-Inelastic Behavior and Modeling of Concrete Structural Components under Multi-Directional Seisimic Forces" Proceedings of 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 8. 595-600 (1988)
[文献書誌] 家村浩和: "Inelastic Resistant Design of Bridges" Proceedings of the sessions related to design,analysis and testing at Structural Congress '89 of ASCE. 796-805 (1989)
[文献書誌] 家村浩和: "Testing R/C Sppecimens by a Substructure-Based Hybrid Earthquake Loading System" Proceedings of 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 4. 35-40 (1988)
[文献書誌] Tanzo,W.: "Analytical and Substructured On-line Hybrid Analysis of Inelastic R/C Frames" Proceedings of the 20th JSCE Earthquake Engineering Symposium-1989. 449-452 (1989)
[文献書誌] 伊津野和行: "Hybrid Experiments on Repaired RC Members Considering Axial-Force Effects" Proceedings of 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 7. 365-370 (1988)
[文献書誌] 家村浩和(他共著): "地震動・動的特性(動的解析と耐震設計第1巻)" 技報堂出版, 170 (1989)
[文献書誌] 家村浩和(他共著): "土木工学ハンドブック第1巻" 技報堂出版, 1,500 (1989)