研究実績の概要 |
We have made great progress on this project. Using viral mediated circuit mapping, activity dependent cellular labeling, behavior and in vivo optogenetics and electrophysiology we have collected a comprehensive data set on the function of the SuM to hippocampal circuits. Our findings demonstrate the SuM can signal environmental novelty to the hippocampus. Unique about this signal is that the SuM can segregate and selectively route different types of information to the dentate gyrus (DG; context novelty) and CA2 (social novelty) for the modulation of mnemonic processing. This content-specific routing of novelty signals represents a new type of modulation of hippocampal processing. A manuscript detailing this findings is currently under peer review. In parallel we have used the efforts of this grant to help our published work demonstrating the application of up-conversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) as a method for minimally-invasive optogenetics (Chen et al, Science 2018).