Yawning is a universal phenomenon, and we tested the social-communication hypothesis of yawning which suggests that yawning is a non-verbal form of communication that synchronizes the behavior of a group.We approached this topic from two directions: (1) We ask whether yawning expression detection shares the same mechanisms as other facial communicative cues such as emotional expressions; (2) We ask whether in-group experience benefits implicitly-defined concept (e.g. social signals embedded in yawning) conveyed via non-verbal communication.Our results suggest that (1) yawning expression is processed differently from other facial emotions, and (2) experiences and cultural provides an advantage for in-group understanding of implicitly-defined concept conveyed in body movements.
すべて 2021 2020 2019 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (3件) 雑誌論文 (3件) (うち国際共著 3件、 査読あり 3件、 オープンアクセス 3件) 学会発表 (6件) (うち国際学会 6件、 招待講演 1件)
Japanese Psychological Research
巻: in press ページ: NA
Techniques and Culture.
Acoustic Sciences and Technology
巻: 4 ページ: 1-5