研究実績の概要 |
During the past fiscal year we have made substantial progress in characterizing the novel excitatory projection from the CA2 region of the hippocampus to the medial septum (MS). With the assistance of the Johansen lab we have employed various viral tracing methods to map the inputs/outputs of the circuit, demonstrating roughly 10% of CA2 pyramidal cells (PCs) project to PV+ interneurons in the MS. This subset of PCs has unique genetic and anatomical profiles as determined by RNAscope and projection specific rabies tracing. Further, in collaboration with Li lab from Peking University, we have established in vivo fluorescent monitoring of acetylcholine levels, combining fiber phototometry and GRAB sensors. Preliminary data suggest activation of the CA2-MS circuit decrease choline, weakens theta oscillations and impairs memory and social behaviors; all endophenotypes related to schizophrenia. Related to this we are collaborating with the Johansen lab on their project to use similar techniques and sensors to monitor NE levels. Through these efforts we have generated new viral variants and approaches, both AAV and rabies based, that we will share with other members of the Multiscale group.