During the fiscal year 2019, I set up a single-cell system to measure the dynamics of transcription activation. Based on previous genomic data I selected genes that activate transcription upon interferon beta treatment in mouse pre-B cells and use a combination of genomics and single-cell imaging changes to monitor transcription. In addition, I have generated cell lines that are deficient for Topoisomerases to evaluate in the second fiscal year the consequences in the dynamics of transcription.
2: おおむね順調に進展している
During the fiscal year 2019:(1)Setup of a single-cell system to measure the impact of torsional stress in transcription. I have made significative advances in this aim. In addition, (2) I have generated cell lines that will be used during the second year and will allow me to analyze the role of topoisomerase activity in the dynamics of transcription.
During the fiscal year 2020, I will use Nascent RNA FISH in combination with ChIP-seq for PolII to quantify monitor transcription dynamics (transcription bursting and intensity of transcription, and the rates of PolII binding, and pause release) in cell lines that are deficient for Topoisomerases. This will identify how torsional tension in the chromatin affects transcription and the role of DNA topoisomerases. In addition, I will evaluate how transcription is affected by the presence of abortive topoisomerase complexes.
すべて 2020 2019 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (1件) 雑誌論文 (3件) (うち国際共著 3件、 査読あり 3件) 学会発表 (4件) (うち国際学会 2件、 招待講演 3件)
Molecular Cell
巻: 77 ページ: 26-38
巻: 75 ページ: 252-266
Cell Reports
巻: 29 ページ: 4471-4481