[Publications] Michiko Ogura: "What has Happened to ‘Impersonal'Constructions?" <Neuphilologische Mitteilungen>___ー. 91. 31-55 (1990)
[Publications] Michiko Ogura: "<Me>___ー <cw〓〓>___ー in MS.Cotton Claudius B.iv" <Notes & O__〜ueries>___ー. 235. 152-4 (1990)
[Publications] Michiko Ogura: "Stylistic Features in the Use of OE <Cwe〓an>___ー" <Journal of Yokohama National University>___ー,Sec.II. 37. 25-45 (1990)
[Publications] Michiko Ogura: "Another 〓uest for OE <Cwe〓an>___ー ー A Morphological Approach" 小野茂教授還暦記念論文集. 107-118 (1990)
[Publications] Michiko Ogura: "<Cwe〓an>___ー + <To>___ー + Dative of Person" <Neophilologus>___ー. (1991)
[Publications] Michiko Ogura: "Is Indirect Discourse Following OE <Cwe〓an>___ー Always in the Subjunctive Mood?" <English Studies>___ー. (1991)
[Publications] 松本 博之: "Scribal Variation in Hand B in <The Destruction of Troy>___ー" (仮称)言語学論集. (1991)
[Publications] 松本 博之: "Doubtful Readings in <The Destruction of Troy>___ー" <English Studies>___ー. (1992)
[Publications] 松本 博之: "<The Destruction of Troy>___ーとトロイ物語群" Helicon 2. 2. (1991)
[Publications] 松本 博之: "Some Editorial Problems in <The Destruction of Troy>___ー" (仮称)桝井迪夫先生喜寿記念論文集. (1991)
[Publications] William Schipper & Tadao Kubouchi: "Old English Studies in Japan" A.Oizumi and T.Takamiya(eds.),Medieual English Studies:Past and Present(Eichosha). 178-187 (1990)
[Publications] Tadao Kubouchi: "Scandinauian Elements in Rolle's <Form>___ー <of>___ー <Liuing>___ー in MSS ULC Dav 64 III and Longleat 29" 秦宏一他編『英語文献学研究』(南雲堂). 317-330 (1990)
[Publications] 小野 茂: "[日本の英語学25年]英語史" 言語. 19巻11号. 52-55 (1990)
[Publications] 高橋 久: "書評 Toshio Saito and Mitsunori Iwai(eds.):Computer programmed by Kunihiro Miki:A___ー <Concordance>___ー <to>___ー <Middle>___ー <English>___ー <Ronances>___ー,2vols." 英文学研究. 67. 129-132 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshihiro Shinoda: "Chaucer's Use of <Governaunce>___ー(sb.)" KeyーWord Studies in Chaucer. 3. 61-71 (1990)
[Publications] Hisashi Takahashi: "Unique Rhymes in the <Canterbury>___ー <Tales>___ー" KeyーWord Studies in Chaucer. 3. 73-91 (1990)
[Publications] Hiroshi Ogawa: "Words for ‘Heaven'" KeyーWord Studies in <Beowulf>___ー. 3. 1-10 (1990)
[Publications] Shuji Sato: "Man,Warrior and King (1):<Beorn>___ー,<Cempa>___ー,<Freca>___ー,<Oretta>___ー,<Wiga>___ー and <Wigend>___ー" KeyーWord Studies in <Beowulf>___ー. 3. 11-25 (1990)
[Publications] William Schipper: "Words for ‘Sea' in <Beowulf>___ー" KeyーWord Studies in <Beowulf>___ー. 3. 27-39 (1990)
[Publications] Tadao Kubouchi: "<Beowulf>___ー:A Bibliography Part 1:Facsimilies and Editions" KeyーWord Studies in <Beowulf>___ー. 3. 41-48 (1990)
[Publications] Haruo Iwasaki: "“Chere"and Related Words in Chaucer" KeyーWord Studies in Chaucer. 3. 1-10 (1990)
[Publications] Hiroyuki Matsumoto: "Chaucer's Use of <Joye>___ー and Its Related Words:<Blisse>___ー,<Delice>___ー,<Delit>___ー,<Felicite>___ー,<Gladnesse>___ー,<Jolite>___ー,<Lust>___ー,<Pleasaunce>___ー,<Wele>___ー" KeyーWord Studies in Chaucer. 3. 11-59 (1990)
[Publications] 忍足 欣四郎: "“A Japanese Analogue of <Beowulf>___ー"" <Philolo>___ーgia <Anglica>___ー :___ー <Essays>___ー <Presented>___ー <Professor>___ー <Yoshio>___ー <Terasawa>___ー <on>___ー <the>___ー <Occasion>___ー <of>___ー <His>___ー <Sixtieth>___ー <Birthday>___ー. 研究社. 259-269 (1988)
[Publications] 忍足 欣四郎: "「『ベ-オウルフ』の行間を読む」(“Reading between the Lines of <Beowulf>___ー")" <Studies>___ー <in>___ー <English>___ー <Philology>___ー <in>___ー <Honour>___ー <of>___ー <Shigeru>___ー <Ono>___ー. 南雲堂. 415-433 (1990)
[Publications] 山縣 宏光: "コンピュ-タの人文科学への応用ー卑近なプログラム例の紹介〈1〉" 東京大学大型計算機センタ-ニュ-ス. 22,7号. 49-68 (1990)
[Publications] Yamagata Hiromitsu: "Some Emendations Proposed in the Prose of <Life>___ー <of>___ー <St>___ー <Gurhlac>___ー" 秦宏一他編『英語文献学研究』(南雲堂). 165-175 (1990)
[Publications] William Schipper: "The Beginnings of Mcdieval English Studies" A.Oizumi and T.Takamiya(eds.),Medieval English Studies:Past and Present. 3-9 (1990)
[Publications] Shinsuke Ando: "Medieval English Studies in Japan" A.Oizumi and T.Takamiya(eds.),Medieval English Studies:Past and Present. 188-194 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshihiro Yoshino: "Multiple Negation in Complex Sentences in OE Prose" 秦宏一他編『英語文献学研究』(南雲堂). 47-64 (1990)
[Publications] Shuji Sato: "Printed Texts of Old English" 秦宏一他編『英語文献学研究』(南雲堂). 401-414 (1990)
[Publications] Akio Oizumi: "A Bibliography of Writings on Chaucer's English" KeyーWord Studies in Chaucer. 3. 93-165 (1990)
[Publications] 忍足 欣四郎: "“A Note on <Beowulf>___ー and Hagiography"" <Studies>___ー <in>___ー <English>___ー <Philology>___ー <and>___ー <Linguistics>___ー <in>___ー <Honoun>___ー <of>___ー <her>___ー.<Tamotsu>___ー <Matsunami>___ー. 秀文インタ-ナショナル. 221-232 (1984)
[Publications] 忍足 欣四郎(訳): "『中世イギリス英雄叙事詩 ベ-オウルフ』" 岩波書店, 343 (1990)
[Publications] Tadao Kubouchi et al.(eds.): "KeyーWord Studies in <Beowulf>___ー 3" Centre for Medieval English Studies, vi+48 (1990)
[Publications] Tadao Kubouchi et al.(eds.): "KeyーWord Studies in Chaucer 3" Centre for Medieval English Studies, vi+187 (1990)
[Publications] Hisashi Takahashi: "“Why not <this>___ー <Criseyde>___ー ?"C <Language>___ー <and>___ー <Style>___ー <in>___ー <English>___ー <Citerature>___ー a <Essays>___ー <in>___ー <Honour>___ー <of>___ー <Dr>___ー.<Michio>___ー <Mosni>___ー" 英宝社, (1991)
[Publications] 小野 茂: "英語史研究室" 南雲堂, 242 (1990)
[Publications] 宮部 菊男・藤原 博・久保内 端郎共訳: "初期近代英語研究" 南雲堂, (1991)
[Publications] Hisashi Takahashi(ed.)Programmed by Hiromitsu Yamagata: "A Concordance to Geoffrey Chaucer's <Canterbury>___ー <Tales>___ー Based on Manly Rickert's Text of the <Canterbury>___ー <Tales>___ー Part I Fragment 1 (Medieval English Concordance Series 1)" Centre for Medieval English Studies, xii+750 (1990)
[Publications] Shunichi Noguchi: "<Le>___ー <Morte>___ー <Arthur>___ー [British Library MS Harley 2252] (Medieval English Text Series 1)" Centre for Medieval English Studies, xxx+88 (1990)
[Publications] Akio Oizumi and Toshiyuki Takamiya(eds.): "Medieval English Studies:Past and Present" Eichosha(Tokyo), viii+310 (1990)
[Publications] H.Ogawa,T.Kubouchi,Y.Yoshino et al.(eds.): "Studies in English Philology in Honoar of Shigeru Ono" Nan'undo(Tokyo), 515 (1990)