Research Abstract |
We selected four kindergarten infants as subjects. We visited their kindergarten and recorded their speech and behavior by the 8-mlli-videorecorder, purchased by this Grant. 1989 Subjects : 3-year-old kindergarten infants. He, or she, played symbolic plays with his, or her, kindergarten teacher and enjoyed talking with his, or her, teacher. 1990 Subjects : 4-year-old kindergarten infants. He, or she, found one or two intimate friends among class-rates. He, or she, created new symbolic plays talking each other. But during this period, they showed some regression, i. e. stopped playing with their friends, failed in unnation, ptc. Their mother, father, teacher should support them warmly. 1991 Subjects : 5-year-old kindergarten infants. Talking with their friends, they extended their group plays and group works. Development of cognition of teacher, of friends, and of themselves is the bases of development of language.