[Publications] Yoshida,K.,Kyo,E.,Tsuda,T.,Tsujino,T.,Ito,M.,Niimoto,M.and Tahara,E.: "EGF and TGFーα,the ligands of hyperproduced EGFR in human esophageal carcinoma cells,act as autocrine growth factors" Int.J.Cancer. 45. 131-135 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshida,K.,Kyo,E.,Tsujino,T.,Sano,T.,Niimoto,M.and Tahara,E.: "Expression of epidermal growth factor,transforming growth factorーα and their receptor genes in human gastric carcinomas;Implication for autocrine growth" Jpn.J.Cancer Res.81. 43-51 (1990)
[Publications] Oda,N.,Tsujino,T.,Tsuda,T.,Yoshida,K.,Nakayama,H.,Yasui,W.,and Tahara,E.: "DNA ploidy pattern and amplification of ERBB and ERBB2 genes in human gastric carcinomas" Virchows Archiv B Cell Pathol. 58. 273-277 (1990)
[Publications] Tahara,E.: "Growth factors and oncogenes in human gastrointestinal carcinomas" J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 116. 121-131 (1990)
[Publications] Tsujino,T.,Yoshida,K.,Nakayama,H.,Ito,H.,Shimosato,T.and Tahara,E.: "Alterations of oncogenes in metastatic tumours of human gastric carcinomas" Br.J.Cancer. 62. 226-230 (1990)
[Publications] Takekura,N.,Yasui,W.,Yoshida,K.,Tsujino,T.,Ito,H.,Tahara,E.,et al.: "pp60^<cーsrc> protein kinase activity in human gastric carcinomas" Int.J.Cancer. 45. 847-851 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshida,K.,Tsujino,T.,Yasui,W.,Kameda,T.,Sano,T.,Tahara,E.,et al.: "Induction of growth factorーreceptor and metalloproteinase genes by epidermal growth factor and/or transforming growth factorーα in human gastric carcinoma cell line MKNー28" Jpn.J.Cancer Res.81. 793-798 (1990)
[Publications] Yoshida,K.,Yasui,W.,Ito,H.,and Tahara,E.: "Growth factors in progression of human esophageal and gastric carcinomas" Exp.Pathol.40. 291-300 (1990)
[Publications] Kameda,T.,Yasui,W.,Yoshida,K.,Tsujino,T.,Nakayama,H.,Ito,M.,Tahara,E.,et al.: "Expression of ERBB2 in human gastric carcinomas:Relationship between pl85^<ERBB2> expression and the gene amplification" Cancer Research. 50. 8002-8009 (1990)
[Publications] Kajikawa,K.,Yasui,W.,Sumiyoshi,H.,Yoshida,K.,Nakayama,H.,Tahara,E.,et al.: "Expression of epidermal growth factor in human tissues" Virchows Archiv A Pathol Anat. 418. 27-32 (1991)
[Publications] Gamou,S.,Shimosato,Y.and Shimizu,N.: "Regulation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor gene expression in a morphological variant isolated from an EGF receptorーdeficient SCLC cell line" Cell Growth & Differentiation. 1(8). 351-359 (1990)
[Publications] Hirai,M.and Shimizu,N.: "Purification of two distinct proteins of apporoximate Mr 80,000 from human epidermal cells and identification as proper substrates for protein kinase C" Biochem.J.270(3). 583-589 (1990)
[Publications] Hirai,M.,Kobayashi,M.and Shimizu,N.: "Reduced tyrosine phosphorylation and nonresponsiveness to EGFーmediated cytotoxity in EGF a receptorーhyperproducing UCVAー1 cells" Cell.Signal.2(3). 245-252 (1990)
[Publications] Hori,T.,Yamanaka,Y.,Hayakawa,M.,Shibamoto,S.,Oku,N.and Ito,F.: "Growth inhibition of human fibroblasts by epidermal growth factor in the presence of arachidonic acid" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.169. 959-965 (1990)
[Publications] Shibamoto,S.,Hori,T.,Hayakawa,M.,Nango,M.,Cragoe,E.,Oku,N.and Ito,F.: "Inhibitory effect of local anesthetics on Na^+/H^+ antiporter in brush border membranceーreconstituted vesicles" Life Science. 47. 1129-1133 (1990)
[Publications] Hori,T.,Yamanaka,Y.,Hayakawa,M.,Shibamoto,S.,Oku,N.,Ito,F.et al.: "Prostaglandins antagonize fibroblast proliferation stimulated by tumor necrosis factor" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.174. 758-766 (1990)
[Publications] Shiba,T.,Tobe,K.,Koshio,O.,Yamamoto,R.,Shibasaki,Y.,Kasuga,M.et al.: "Concanavalin Aーinduced receptor aggregation stimulates the tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor in intact cells" Biochem.J.267. 787-794 (1990)
[Publications] Yamanoto,R.,Koshio,O.,Tobe,K.,Shibasaki,Y.,Kasuga,M.,et al.: "Phosphorylation state and biological function of a mutant human insulin receptor Val^<996>" J.Biol.Chem.265. 14777-14783 (1990)
[Publications] Izumi,T.,Tamemoto,H.,Nagao,M.,Kadowaki,T.,Takaku,F.and Kasuga,M.: "Insulin and plateletーderived growth factor stimulate phosphorylation of the Cーraf product at serine and threonine residues in intact cells" J.Biol.Chem.
[Publications] Kohno,M.,Nishizawa,N.,Tsujimoto,M.,and Nomoto,H.: "Mitogenic signaling pathway of tumour necrosis factor involves the rapid tyrosine phosphrylation of 41000ーMr and cytosol proteins" Biochem.J.267. 91-98 (1990)
[Publications] Zu,Y.,Kohno,M.,Kubota,I.,Nishida,E.,Hanaoka,M.,Namba,Y.: "Characterization of interleukin 2 stimulated 65ーkilodalton phosphoprotein in human T cells" Biochemistry. 29. 1055-1062 (1990)
[Publications] Zu,Y.,Shigesada,K.,Nishida,E.,Kubota,I.,Kohno,M.,Hanaoka,M.,Namba,Y.: "65ーkilodalton protein phosphorylated by interleukin 2 stimulation bears two putative actinーbinding sites and two calciumーbinding sites" Biochemistry. 29. 8319-8324 (1990)
[Publications] Nishizawa,N.,Okano,Y.,Chatani,Y.,Amamoto,F.,Tanaka,E.,Kohno,M.et al.: "Mitogenic signaling pathways of growth factors can be distuinguished by the involvement of pertussis toxinーsensitive guanosine triphosphateーbinding protein and of protein kinase C" Cell Regulation. 1. 747-761 (1990)
[Publications] Takasuka,T.,NinomiyaーTsuji,J.,Sakayama,M.,Ide,T.et al.: "Atemperatureーsensitive cellーcycle mutant ofmammalian cells,tsJT 16,is defective in a function operation soon after growth stimulation" Cell Structure and Function. 15. 39-45 (1990)
[Publications] Takasuka,T.,Sakayama,M.,Ishibashi,S.,and Ide,T.: "tsJT16,a cellーcycle ts mutant defective in a function operating soon after growth stimulation,fails to induce a primarily activated labile nuclear protein" Cell Structure and Function. 15. 47-52 (1990)
[Publications] Nakahara,M.,Fukushima,M.,Tacho,T.,Usui,T.,and Ide,T.: "Establishment of a SV40ーtransformed cell line from primary culture of rat dors olateral prostatic epithelial cells" Experimental Cell Research. 190. 271-275 (1990)
[Publications] Tai,Y.,NinomiyaーTsuji,J.,Furuoku,K.,Ogawa,N.,Ide,T.,et al.: "Nonーlethal GOーts mutant tsJT60 becomes lethal at the nonpermissive temperature after transformation:Ahint for new cancer chemotheraーpeutics" Cell Structure and Function. 15. 385-391 (1990)
[Publications] Takasuka,T.,Sakayama,M.,Miyake,E.,Ishibashi,S.,and Ide,T.: "A nuclear labile protein,p70,was expressed exclusively during GOーS transition but not in Gl phase of a cell cycle ts mutant,tsJT16" Cell Structure and Function. 16. 81-85 (1991)
[Publications] Tsuyama,N.,Miura,M.,Kitahira,M.,Ishibashi,S.,and Ide,T.: "SV40 Tーantigen is required for maintainance of immortal growth in SV40ーtransformed human fibroblasts" Cell Structure and Function. 16. 55-62 (1991)
[Publications] Tsuji,K.,Ueno,A.,and Ide,T.: "Dual effects of protein kinase C on the induction of DNA synthesis by colcemid in GOーarrested human diploid fibroblasts" Cell Structure and Function. 16. 73-80 (1991)
[Publications] Tsuda,H.,Zhang,W.,Shimosato,Y.,Yokota,J.,Terada,M.,Sugimura,T.,et al.: "Allele loss on chromosome 16 associated with progression of human hepatocellular carcinoma" Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 87. 6791-6794 (1990)
[Publications] Tsuda,H.,Hirohashi,S.,Shimosato,Y.,Hirota,T.,Tsugane,S.,et al.: "Correlation between histologic grade of malignancy and copy number of cー<erb>___ーBー2 gene in breast carcinoma" Cancer. 65. 1794-1800 (1990)
[Publications] Tsuda,H.,Hirohashi,S.,Hirota,T.,and Shimosato,Y.: "Alterations in copy number of cー<erb>___ーBー2 and cー<myc>___ー protoーoncogenes in advanced stage of human breast cancer" Acta.Pathol.Jpn.41. 19-23 (1991)
[Publications] Hattori,Y.,Kato,O.,et al.: "Kーsam,an amplified gene in stomach cancer,is a member of the heparinーbinding growth factor receptor genes" Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 87. 5983-5987 (1990)
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[Publications] 飯田 信也、加藤 修、他: "<hstー2>___ー遺伝子cDNAの解析" 第13回日本分子生物学会年会講演要旨集. 196. (1990)
[Publications] Piao,YーF.,Ichijo,H.,Miyagawa,K.,Ohashi,H.,Takaku,F.,and Miyazono,K.: "Latent form of transforming growth factorーβ1 acts as a potent growth inhibitor on a human erythroleukemia cell line" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.167. 27-32 (1990)
[Publications] Tsuruo,T.,Naito,M.,Takamori,R.,Tsukahara,S.,Yamagishi,T.,et al.: "A benzophenazine derivative,Nーβーdimethylaminoethyl 9ーcarboxyー5ーhydroxyー10ーmethoxyーbenzo[a]phenazineー6ーcarboxamide,as a new antitumor agent against multidrugーresistant and sensitive tumors" Cancer Chemother.Pharmacol.26. 83-87 (1990)
[Publications] Sato,W.,Yusa,K.,Naito,M.,and Tsuruo,T.: "Staurosporine,a potent inhibitor of cーkinase,enhances drug accumulation in multidrugーresistant cells" Biochem.Biopys.Res.Commun.173. 1252-1257 (1990)
[Publications] Watanabe,M.,Komeshima,N.,Naito,M.,Tsuruo,T.,et al.: "Cellular pharmacology of MX2,a new morpholino anthracycline,in human pleiotropic drugーresistant cells" Cancer Research. 51. 157-161 (1991)
[Publications] Kato,M.,and Takenawa,T.: "Purification and characterization of membraneーbound and cytosolic forms of diacylglycerol kinase from rat brain" J.Biol.Chem.265. 794-800 (1990)
[Publications] Yuasa,Y.,Kamiyama,T.,Kato,M.,Iwama,T.,Tonomura,A.,et al.: "Transforming genes from familial adenomatous polyposis patient cells detected by a tumorigenicity assay" Oncogene. 5. 589-596 (1990)
[Publications] Takenawa,T.,Kato,M.,and Yamakawa,A.: "Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research" Ed.by Nishizuka,Y.,Raven Press, 317-322(5) (1990)