[Publications] Sasamoto,Y.,Hirose,S.,Ohno,S.,Onoe,K.,Matsuda,H.: "Topical application of ciclosporin ophthalmic solution containing alphaーcyclodextrin in experimental uveitis" Ophthalmologica. 203. 118-125 (1991)
[Publications] Ohno,S,Inamura,M: "Ocular manifestations of collagen disease" Asian Medical Journal. 34. 349-353 (1991)
[Publications] Mochizuki,M.,Masuda,K.,Sakane,T.,Inaba,G.,Ito,K.,Kogure,M.,Sugino,N.,Usui,M.,Mizushima,Y.,Ohno,S.,Miyanaga,Y.,Hayasaka,S.,Ohizumi,K.: "A Multicenter clinical open trial of FK506 in refractory uveitis,including Behcet's disease." Transplantation Proceedings. 23. 3343-3346 (1991)
[Publications] Ohno,S,Kumagai,N: "Nonーhuman immunodeficiency virusーrelated viral infectious uveitis" Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 2. 465-470 (1991)
[Publications] 水木 信久,大野 重昭: "ぶどう膜炎とHLA" 眼科. 34. 111-126 (1992)
[Publications] 水木 信久,大野 重昭: "HLAの分子生物学" あたらしい眼科. 9. (1992)
[Publications] 水木 信久,大野 重昭: "HLA抗原遺伝子の構成と眼疾患との関連" 日本眼科学会雑誌. 96. (1992)
[Publications] Mizuki,N.,S,Sugimura,K.,Seki,T.,Kikuchi,Y.,Ando,A.,Tsuji,K.,Inoko,H.: "PCRーRFLP is as sensitive and reliable as PCRーSSO in HLA class II genotyping" Tissue Antigens. 39. (1992)
[Publications] 坂井 潤一: "ウイルス性ぶどう膜炎" あたらしい眼科. 8. 1205-1215 (1991)
[Publications] Yujiro Fujino,Manabu Mochizuki,ChiーChaoーChan,James Raber,Satoshi Kotake,Igal Gery and Robert B,Nnssenblatt: "FK506 treatment of Sーantigen induced uveitis in primates" Current.Eye Research. 10. 679-690 (1991)
[Publications] Hidetoshi Kawashima and Manabu Mochizuki: "Effects of a New Immunosuppressive agent,FK506,on the Efferent Limb of the Immune Responses" Experimental Eye Research. 51. 565-572 (1990)
[Publications] S.Hirose,K.Ogasawara,T.Natori,Y.Sasamoto,S.Ohno,H.Matsuda,K.Onoe: "Regulation of experimental anto immune uveitis in ratsーseparation of MHC and nonーMHC gene effects" Clin.exp.Immunol.86. 419-425 (1991)
[Publications] 猪子 英俊: "PRC法によるHLAクラスII抗原のDNAタイピング" 代謝「免疫'91」. 28. 161-174 (1991)
[Publications] 新藤 裕美子,大野 重昭: "原田病,VogtーKoyanagiーHarada's Disease." あたらしい眼科. 8. 1191-1196 (1991)
[Publications] Emiko Isogai,Hiroshi Isogai,Satoshi Kotake,Koji Yoshikawa,Akira Ichiishi,Syoko Kosaka,Nanao Sato,Shinji Hayashi,Keiji Oguma,Shigeaki Ohno.: "Detection of Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi in Patients with Uveitis" American Journal of Ophthalmology.112. 23-30 (1991)
[Publications] 小野江 和則(菊地 浩吉,矢田 純一,奥村 康 編): "I.TCRー抗原ーMHC相互作用、「Annual Review免疫1991」" 中外医学社.東京., 9 (1991)
[Publications] 大野 重昭: "日本眼科学会生涯教育通信講座No13「主要眼底疾患」" 日本眼科学会専門医制度委員会.東京 松井瑞夫, 2 (1991)