Research Abstract |
This work is a collection of Indic passage corresponding to the Chinese version of the Samyukta^^-gama *(Taisho Shinshu Daizokyo *, no.99). The Indic text of the Samyukta^^-gama is lost and only isolated passages remain. Formerly the Chinese Samyukta^^-gama was thought to belong to the Sarva^^-stiva^^-dins. The Sarva^^-stiva^^-dins, being one of the largest sects of Indian Buddhism, existed not only in north India but also in Central Asia. The Sarva^^-stiva^^-dins were divided into several branches, such as the Kashmirian Sarva^^-stiva^^-dins and the Gandhara Sarva^^-stiva^^-dins. Recent research has shown that the Chinese Samyukta^^-gama is most closely related to the Mu^^-la-sarva^^-stiva^^-da tradition. I regard the Mu^^-la-sarva^^-stiva^^-dins as a branch of the Sarva^^-stiva^^-dins, and that the Mu^^-la-sarva^^-stiva^^-dins gradually became the largest branch of the Sarva^^-stiva^^-dins. In this work I have collected Indic passages from the Sarva^^-stiva^^-da (inclusive of the Mu^^-la-sarva^^-stiva^^-da) literature which are most closely related to Su^^-tras of the Chinese Samyukta^^-gama. The Indic passages I have collected derive from three sources. 1. Indic manuscript fragments. 2. Quotations in the Sarva^^-stiva^^-da texts. 3. Passages corresponding to parts of the Chinese Samyukta^^-gama which most probably belong to, or originate from, the Sarva^^-stiva^^-da texts. The present volume deals with the ^<**>Samgi^^-tanipa^^-ta, the last section of the Chinese Samyukta^^-gama, namely fascicles (*) 4, 22, 36, 38-40, 42, 44-46, 48-50, containing Su^^-tra numbers 88-102, 576-603, 993-1022, 1062-1120, 1145-1163, 1178-1240, and 1267-1362.