[Publications] 久保内 端郎: "『ピータバラ年代記』の言語研究の意義と課題" 久保内・池上編『『ピータバラ年代記』の言語』(東京:学書房). 1-37 (1993)
[Publications] 久保内 端郎: "英語代名詞覚え書き--歴史的な視点から" 杉山ほか編『はじめにことばありき--言語と文学』(東京:英潮社). 27-42 (1993)
[Publications] Kubouchi,T.: "Texts of 'Be Cynestole' in Wulfstan's Institutes of Polity" Suzuki & Mukai,eds.,Arthurian & Other Studies(Cambridge:Brewer). 211-17 (1993)
[Publications] 寺澤 芳雄: "英語史の研究" 『英語年鑑 '93』. 32-35 (1993)
[Publications] Terasawa,Y.: "Some Etymological and Semasiological Notes on Girl" Anglo-Saxonica(H.Schabram Festschrift)(Munich:W.Fink). 335-345 (1993)
[Publications] 寺澤 芳雄: "『Cambridge版英語史』刊行開始に寄せて" 『英語青年』. 139,1. 32-34 (1993)
[Publications] Takahashi,H.: "A Study on Cambridge Fragments of Havelok" 比治山女子短期大学紀要(Bulletin of Hijiyama Women's Junior College). 29. 1-13 (1994)
[Publications] 小野 茂: "Standard Old Englishをめぐって" 学苑(昭和女子大学近代文化研究所). 630. 2-10 (1992)
[Publications] Ono,S.: "Some Words for 'Time' in Beowulf" Key-Word Studies in Beowulf and Chaucer. 4. 1-8 (1992)
[Publications] Ono,S.: "Ambiguity in Malory's Language with Reference to Lancelot" Poetica(Tokyo:Shubun International). 37. 58-64 (1993)
[Publications] Ono,S.: "Word Preference in the Old English Verbs of Possessing" Anglo-Saxonica:Festschrift fuer H.Schabram(Munich:W.Fink). 279-88 (1993)
[Publications] Ono,S.: "Was eadig mon(Beowulf 2470b)'Wealthy' of 'Blessed'?" Studies in Medieval English Language and Literature. 9 予定. (1994)
[Publications] Ando,S.: "A Note on 'Nature' in Hamlet" Suzuki & Mukai,eds.,Arthurian & Other Studies(Cambridge:Brewer). 39-44 (1993)
[Publications] Noguchi,S.: "Pagan Consolation in the 'Knight's Tale'" 『中世英文学への巡礼の道』(東京:南雲堂). 95-102 (1993)
[Publications] Noguchi,S.: "'Seeking' in Beowulf and the State of the Hero's Soul" In Geardagum(Denver:The Society for New Language Study). 14. 1-12 (1993)
[Publications] Ikegami,Y.: "Language and Languages in the Late Twentieth Century" Ikegami & Toyota,eds.,Aspects of English as a World Language. 57-68 (1993)
[Publications] Ikegami,Y.: "Semantic Analysis and the Activator" Longman Language Activator(Longman). F20-F22 (1993)
[Publications] Ikegami,Y.: "What does It Mean for a Language to Have No Singular-Plural Distinction?" Geiger et al,eds.,Conceptualizations & Mental Processing in Lang.801-14 (1993)
[Publications] 池上 嘉彦: "日本語と日本語論--その虚像と実像(8)-(12)" 言語. 22,4-8. 106-11, 112-17 (1993)
[Publications] 池上 嘉彦: "Pragmatics:〈論理〉から〈認知〉へ" 英語青年. 139,5. 2-4 (1993)
[Publications] 佐藤 修二: "The Parker Chronicle--その写本とfacsimile版(1941年)について" 中央大学文学部紀要(文学科). 72. 1-17 (1993)
[Publications] Matsumoto,H.: "Doubtful Readings in The Destruction of Troy" English Studies(Lisse:Swets & Zeitlinger). 74. 51-56 (1993)
[Publications] Matsumoto,H.: "Line 5071 in The Destruction of Troy" Medieval English Studies Newsletter(Tokyo:CMES). 28. 6-7 (1993)
[Publications] Shinoda,Y.: "On Rare Northern Words Found in Cursor Mundi(Cotton Vespasian A iii,British Library)" 中世英文学への巡礼の道--斎藤勇教授還暦記念論文集(東京:南雲堂). 201-226 (1993)
[Publications] 藤田 義博: "脚韻詩Cursor Mundiに於ける頭韻句の使用について" 広島女学院大学英語文学研究. 2. 1-30 (1993)
[Publications] Shinoda,Y.: "Some Aspects of the Vocabulary in Hand of Cotton WS Scribe" 河井迪男先生退官記念英語英文学研究(東京:英宝社). 11-18 (1993)
[Publications] Takamiya,T.: "Editor/Compositor at Work:the Case of Caxton's Malory" Suzuki & Mukai,eds.,Arthurian and Other Studies(Cambridge:Brewer). 143-151 (1993)
[Publications] 山縣 宏光: "英語語法研究" 言語文化センター紀要(東京大学教養学部). 13. 81-98 (1993)
[Publications] Scahill,J.D.: "The Owl and the Nightingale:Which is the Medievalist" 成蹊人文研究(成蹊大学). 1. 42-50 (1993)
[Publications] Ogura,M.: "On the Development of English Verbs of Motion--with special reference to the medieval peri" K.Araki et al.,eds.,Aspects of Modern English. 128-145 (1993)
[Publications] Ogura,M.: "Verbs Prefixed with Ofer- and Under-" Chiba Review. 15. 19-49 (1993)
[Publications] Ogura,M.: "Notes:Shal(not)mowe,or Double Auxilianry Constructions in Middle English" Review of English Studies. 44. 539-548 (1993)
[Publications] 久保内 端郎: "ピータバラ年代記の言語(共編)" 東京:学書房, vi+252 (1993)
[Publications] 寺澤 芳雄: "英語史総合年表(共著)" 東京:研究社, 808 (1993)
[Publications] 寺澤 芳雄: "BBI英和連語活用辞典" 東京:丸善株式会社, 728 (1993)
[Publications] Iwasaki,H.: "The Language of Layamon's Brut" 東京:研究社, X+203 (1993)
[Publications] Oizumi,A.: "A Ryme Concordance to the Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer,2 vols.(共編)" Hildesheim/Zurich/New York: Olms-Weidmann, 1327 (1994)
[Publications] Matsumoto,H.: "The Destruction of Troy 予定" Tokyo:Centre for Medieval English Studies, (1994)
[Publications] 高宮 利行: "西洋書誌学事始め" 東京:青土社, (1993)