[Publications] 中川千枝,丁子哲治,平井英二: "酸性降水の土壌による中和反応機構に関する化学平衡論的解析" 水環境学会誌. 16. 114-121 (1993)
[Publications] Kazuichi Hayakawa,Jun Kobayashi,Mikako Ohmori,Mayumi Ohya,Akio Kato and Motoichi Miyazaki: "Preconcentration/Ion Chromatography with Indirect Photometric Detection for Anions" Analytical Sciences. 9. 419-421 (1993)
[Publications] Atsushi Yamamoto,Akinobu Matsunaga,Eiichi Mizukami,Kazuichi Hayakawa and Motoichi Miyazaki: "Adsorption Isotherm of Undissociated Eluent Acid and Its Relation to the Retention of System Peaks in Non-suppressed Ion Chromatography" Journal of Chromatography. 644. 183-187 (1993)
[Publications] Min-Hee Lee,Eiji Hirai,Motoichi Miyazaki,Tetsuji Choji and Hao Quan: "Effect of Loess Aerosol on Acid Rain and Global Warming during the Yellow Sand Phenomena" Journal of Korea Air Pollution Research Association Abstracts. 464-467 (1993)
[Publications] Min-Hee Lee,Eui-Jung Han,Chen-Ki Shin,Jin-Sak Han and Sang-Kyun Kim: "Behaviors of Inorganic Components in Atmospheric Aerosol on the Yellow Sand Phenomena" Journal of Korea Air Pollution Research Association. 9. 230-235 (1993)
[Publications] 全浩: "中国の北西地域で発生する砂嵐およびKOSAエアロゾルの高雲輸送径路について" 環境科学. 14. 60-64 (1993)
[Publications] 飯田俊彰,上木勝司: "融雪初期における酸性汚染物質を高濃度に含む融雪水の流出現象" 農業土木学会論文集. 166. 55-61 (1992)
[Publications] 村本健一郎,松浦弘毅,椎名徹: "領域および輪郭線による降雪雪片の形状特徴解析" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. J76-D-II. 949-958 (1993)
[Publications] K.Muramoto,K.Matuura,T.Harimaya and T.Endoh: "A Computer Database for Falling Snowflakes" Annals of Glaciology. 18(in press). (1994)
[Publications] 中川千枝,丁子哲治,平井英二: "酸性降水の土壌による中和反応におけるCO_2の関与" 水環境学会誌. 16. 175-182 (1993)
[Publications] 丁子哲治,中川千枝,平井英二: "酸性降水の土壌による中和反応の解析" 化学工学論文集. 19. 795-802 (1993)
[Publications] 北村守次,杉山実,大橋哲二,中井信之: "硫黄安定同位体比からみた石川県の降水中硫酸イオンの起源の推定" 地球化学. 27. 109-118 (1993)
[Publications] 北村守次: "石川県における酸性雨調査(第7報)-高層ジェット気流の位置と降水成分の関係-" 石川県保健環境センター年報. 30. 157-164 (1993)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Kaji,Atsushi Mishima,Chika Yamamoto,Michiko Sakamoto and Hiroshi Kozuka: "Possible Mechanism for Zinc Protection against Cadmium Cytotoxicity in Cultured Vascular" Toxicology. 76. 257-270 (1992)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Kaji,Chika Yamamoto,Sumiyo Tsubaki,Susumu Ohkawara,Michiko Sakamoto,Masao Sato and Hiroshi Kozuka: "Metallothionein Induction by Cadmium,Cytokines,thrombin and endothelin-1 in cultured Vascular Endothelial Cells" Life Sciences. 53. 1185-1191 (1993)
[Publications] Toshiyuki Kaji,Atsushi Mishima,Chika Yamamoto,Michiko Sakamoto and Hiroshi Kozuka: "Zinc Protection against Cadmium-induced Destruction of the Monolayer of Cultured Vascular Endothelial Cells" Toxicology Letters. 66. 247-255 (1993)
[Publications] Chika Yamamoto,Toshiyuki Kaji,Michiko Sakamoto and Hiroshi Kozuka: "Cadmium Stimulation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 release from Human Vascular Endothelial Cells in Culture" toxicology. 83. 215-223 (1993)
[Publications] Junko Komura and Michiko Sakamoto: "Disposition,Behavior and Toxicity Effect of Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese Tricarbonyl in the Mouse" Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 23. 473-475 (1992)
[Publications] Junko Komura and Michiko Sakamoto: "Effects of Manganese Forms on Biogenic Amines in the Brain and Behavioral Alterations in the Mouse-Long-term Oral Administration of Several Manganese Compounds" Environmental Research. 57. 34-44 (1992)
[Publications] Junko Komura and Michiko Sakamoto: "Subcellular and Gel Chromatographic Distribution of Manganese in the Mouse Brain-Relation to the Chemical Form of Chronically-ingested Manganese" Toxicology Letters. 66. 287-294 (1993)
[Publications] Junko Komura and Michiko Sakamoto: "Chronic Oral Administration of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl Altered Brain Biogenic Amines in the Mouse-Comparison with Inorganic Manganese" Toxicology Letters(in press). (1994)
[Publications] 山口幸祐,多田納力,田中文雄,中尾允: "島根県における大気降下物中に含まれるSO_4^<2->,NO_3^-の変動" 島根県衛生公害研究所報. 34. 54-57 (1992)
[Publications] 全浩(監修): "環境技術と環境管理" 中国環境科学社, 300 (1994)