[Publications] K.Kimura et al.: "Triviality Bound of Linear -Model with Finite Pion Mass." Modern Physics Letters A. 9. 2587-2597 (1994)
[Publications] M.Hayakawa et al.: "Chiral Lagrangian with higher resonances and flavor SU(3) breaking" Prog.Theor.Phys. 92. 377-396 (1994)
[Publications] T.Asaka,K.Hikasa: "Four‐fermion clecay of Higgs bosons" Physics Letters B. (発表予定). (1995)
[Publications] N,M.Chepilko,K.Fujii: "Gauge and supersymmetric structure of quantum mechanics on hyper‐surface,embeddes in Euclidian spuce of superior dinensions" Yadernays Jizika. 58(発表予定). (No.1) (1995)
[Publications] K.Fujii,S.Miyazaki: "Quantum mechanically allowed form of force in general relativistic particle motton" Prog,Theor,Phys,. 93(発表予定). (No.4) (1995)
[Publications] T.Munehisa,Y.Munehisa: "Re‐Structuring Method for the Negative Sign Problen in Quantum Spin System" Prog,Theor,Phys.92. 309-317 (1994)
[Publications] T.Munehisa,Y.Munehisa: "A Hybrid Method for Global Updates in Moute Carlo Study" Pros.Theor.Phys.(1995)
[Publications] Tadashi Kon and Toshihiko Nonaka: "Light top squark and heavy top quark signature in the Collider Detector at Fermilab" Physical Review D. 50. 6005-6008 (1994)
[Publications] 葵 勝義: "ついに正体を現した(?)トップ・クォーク-素粒子の標準模型はどこまで検証されたか-" じっきょう理科資料. 37. 1-4 (1994)
[Publications] A.Yamedi: "The Heggs Sector of the minimal supergymme trie standard model including radiative corrections" Zeil schnift for plyesos a. 61. 247-263 (1994)
[Publications] K.S Baku.,K Fujukawa,A.Yamada: "Constrails on lift‐riyht symmatric models from the process b→sn" Phys.lett.B. 333. 196-201 (1994)
[Publications] K.Fuyekawa,.A.Yamada: "Test of the chiscl structure of the top‐botton changed curnent by the process b→sn" PhysicrC Kevia'D. 45. 5890-5893 (1994)
[Publications] K.Aoki & S.Peris: "Triviality,perturbation theory and Z→bb" Physics Letters. B335. 470-478 (1994)
[Publications] K.Aoki & S.Peris: "Non‐clecoubling,trviality and the P paraneres" Zeitshrift fiir Physik. C61. 303-312 (1994)
[Publications] K.Aoki: "Effects of new physics to the P paranctec in the SSM" International Journal of Modern Physics. A(予定).
[Publications] Tatsuo Kobayashi et al.: "gauge compling unification due to non‐universal soft supersymmetry breaking" Physics Letters B. 329. 27-32 (1994)
[Publications] Tatsuo Kobayashi et al: "Non‐universal Soft Scaler Masses in Superstring Pheories" Physils Letters B. (to be published).
[Publications] H.Kawabe,T.Kobayashi,N.Ohtsubo: "Study of minimal string unification in Z8 orbifold models" Physics Letters. B322. 331-339 (1994)
[Publications] H,Kawabe,T,Kobayashi,N,Ohtsubo: "Minimal string unification and constraint on hidden sector" Nuclear Physics. B434. 210-230 (1995)
[Publications] T.B.Suzuki et al.: "Semileptonic Decays of B Meson into Charmed Higher Resonances in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory." Prog.Theor.Phys.91. 757-774 (1994)
[Publications] A.Takamura et al.: "The F/D Rations of Spin‐Flip Baryon Vertex in 1/N_c Expansion." Prog.Theor.Phys.93(発表予定). (1995)
[Publications] M.Bando,K‐I Izawa,T Takahashi: "Hierarchical Mass Matrices in a Minimal SO(10) Grand UnificationI" P.T.P. 92. 143-151 (1994)
[Publications] 同上: "Hcerarchical Mass Matrices in Minimal SO(10) Grand Unification II" P.T.P.92. 1137-1147 (1994)
[Publications] M.Bando and M.Harada: "Interpolating Axial Auomaly Induced Amplitudes" P.T.P. 92. 583-602 (1994)
[Publications] M.Bando,T.Kugo and M.Harada: "External Gauge Invaviance and Anomaly in BS Verteces and Bacendsta" P.T.P.91. 927-948 (1994)
[Publications] Kenzo Inoue: "Generations of Quarks and Leptons from Nonconpact Horizontal Symmetry" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 93(to be published). No.2 (1995)
[Publications] T.Kubota,T.Kurimoto and E.Takasugi: "Seasonal Oscillation of the Solar Neutrino Flux" Physical Review D. 49. 2462-2471 (1994)
[Publications] S.Kanemura and T.Kubota: "Radiative Corrections to the Higgs Boson Decay into W‐Boson Pair in a Two‐Doublet Model" Physical Review D. 51(to be published). No.5 (1995)
[Publications] T.Kobayashi and C.S.Lim: "CP in Orbifold Models" Phys.Lett.B. (to appear).
[Publications] Z.Hioki: "O( /m_c)Effects in Tests of Factorization Hypothesis for Heavy Hadron Nonleptionic Decays" Zeitschrift f r Physik. C62. 633-637 (1994)
[Publications] Z.Hioki: "Finite Charm‐mass Effects in fD_S Determination within the Heavy Quark Effective Theory" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 92. 997-1003 (1994)
[Publications] Z.Hioki: "Non‐trivial Test of Electroweak Quantum Effects" Physics Letters. B340. 181-184 (1994)
[Publications] Z.Hioki and R.Nojima: "Is the Standard Electroweak Theory Happy with m_t〜174 GeV?" Modern Physics Letters. A10(掲載予定). (1995)
[Publications] T.Hattori,T.Hasuike,T.Hayashi,S.Wakaizumi: "Right‐Handed b to c Coupling and CP Violation" Prog.Theor.Phys.93(In press). (1995)
[Publications] K.Funakubo,A.Kakuto,S.Otsuki,K.Takenaga and F.Toyoda: "Fermion Scattering off a CP-Violating Electroweak Bubble Wall" Physical Review D. 50. 1105-1117 (1994)
[Publications] L.T,Handoko,T.Morozumi: "b→S(d)r with a vector‐like quark as forth generation" Modern Physics Letters. (to be published). (1995)
[Publications] T.Yoshikawa,H.Takata,T.Morozumi: "Effective Lagrangian for a Technicolor Model without ltaiet custodial symmetry" Prog.Theor.Phys.92. 353-376 (1994)
[Publications] T.Inagaki,T.Kouno,and T.Muta: "Phase structure of four‐fermion theories at finite temperature and chemical potential in acbitrary dimensions" International Journal of Modern Physics. A10(to be published). (1995)
[Publications] A.I.Sanda: "CCAST Symp.Workshop on Particle Physics at Fermi Scale" Gerdon and Breach Science Publishers, (1994)
[Publications] A.I.Sanda: "Letpton and Photon Interactions." Amer.Inst.Publishers, 32 (1994)
[Publications] T.Kawai: "Proc.of 20th Intern.Colloq.on Group Theoretical Method in Physics." World Scientific(発表予定), (1995)
[Publications] 大林信治,森田敏照 編: "科学思想の系譜学" ミネルヴァ書房, 350 (1994)