[Publications] I Kimura: "Possibility of Transmutation of Long-lived Nuclides in Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Stations" Proc.XII Intern.School on Nucl.phys.,Neutron Phys.and Nuclear Energy. 206-221 (1996)
[Publications] M.Okada: "Radiation-induced Defects in Neutron-irradiated 4H-and 6H-SiC Single Crystals" Proc.6-th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials,Institute of Physics Conf.Series 142. 469-472 (1996)
[Publications] I Kimura: "Standard and Reference Neutron Spectrum Fields inside and beside Research Reactors" Proc.5-th Asian Symposium on Research Reactors. 2. 762-766 (1996)
[Publications] K.Nishio: "A System for Correlation Measurement of Fission Fragments and Prompt Neutrons" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys.Res.A. 385. 171-178 (1997)
[Publications] K.Kobayashi: "Characteristics of KULS Coupled with Electron Linac" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys.. Res.A. 385. 145-156 (1997)
[Publications] I.Kimura: "Experimental Evaluation of DPA Cross Section of Si by Making Use of Four Neutron Fields with Different Energy Spectra" Proc.9-th International Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry. (発表予定).
[Publications] A Shinohara: "Negative-Pion Capture Process and Its Chemical Effects in Some Hydrocarbons" Physical Review. A53. 130-138 (1996)
[Publications] N.Imanishi: "Cluster-Ion Formation by Heavy-Ion-Induced Electronic Sputtering" Proc.of 14^<th>Int.Conf.on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. (発表予定).
[Publications] T.Awata: "Properties of Intense Quasi-Monochromatic X-Rays Produced by Resonant Transition Radiation" Proc.of 14^<th>Int.Conf.on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. (発表予定).
[Publications] M.Ogura: "Trapping of Hydrogen in Aluminum-and Silicon-Irradiated Aluminum" Proc.of 14^<th>Int.Conf on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. (発表予定).
[Publications] T.Awata: "Resonant Effects of Transition Radiation Emitted from Thin Foil Stacks Using Electron Beam" Radiation Physics and Chemistry.(発表予定).
[Publications] M.Ogura: "The Annealing Behavior of Hydrogen Implanted into Al-1.5%Si Alloy" Radiation Physics and Chemistry. (発表予定).
[Publications] M.Ogura: "Trapping of Hydrogen in Silicon-Implanted Aluminum" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys.Res.B. 121. 470-473 (1997)
[Publications] N.Nakao: "Transmission through Shields of Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutrons Generated by 43-and 68-MeV Protons-I" Nuclear Science and Engineering. 124. 228-242 (1996)
[Publications] H.Nakashima: "Transmission through Shields of Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutrons Generated by 43-and 68-MeV Protons-II" Nuclear Science and Engineering. 124. 243-257 (1996)
[Publications] T.Sato: "Measurements of High Energy Photonuclear Reaction Yields in 2.5 GeV Electron Beam Stop" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys.Res.A. (発表予定).
[Publications] A.Itoh: "Kinetic Energy of Carbon Clusters Produced in C_<60->Multifragmentation by Heavy Ion Collisions" Abstracts of Proc.of Eighth Intern,Conf.on Physics of Highly Charged Ions. 126-126 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Nakai: "Mass Correlation of Fragment Ions in Fast C^<5+>-C_<60> Collision" Abstracts of Proc.of Eighth Intern.Conf.on Physics of Highly Charged Ions. 127-127 (1996)
[Publications] M.Saito: "Projectile Scattering Angle Dependence of Multiple Ionization Cross Sections in 2 MeV C^<3+>-Ar Collisions." Abstracts of Proc.of Eighth Intern.Conf.on Physics of Highly Charged Ions. 57-57 (1996)
[Publications] T.Takagi: "Deuterium Radial Redistrivbution in Zr-liner Cladding Tubes" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys Res.B. 118. 238-241 (1996)
[Publications] I.Kanno: "A Model of Dielectric Plasma Columns in Silicon Surface Barrier Detectors" Proc.14-th Intemational Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. (発表予定).
[Publications] I.Yu.Tolstikhina: "Coster-Kronig Electron Spectra from the Singlet and Triplet 1s^22pnl(n=9-20)Stated of ^<12+>" Physica Scripta.54・2. 188-196 (1996)
[Publications] M.Imai: "Electron Spectra from Highly Excited Si Ions" Physica Scripta.(発表予定).
[Publications] A.Itoh: "Kinetic Energy of Carbon Clusters Produced in C_<60-> Multifragdmentation by Heavy Ion Collisions" Physica Scripta.(発表予定).
[Publications] K.Kawatsura: "Low Energy Rydberg Electron Spectra from 64 MeVS^<q+>+He and C Foil Collisions using Zero-degree Electron Spectroscopy" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phys.Res.B. (発表予定).
[Publications] K.Kawatsura: "Charge State Dependence of Very LowProjectile Autoionizing Transitions from 2 MeV/uS+He Collisions" Physica Scripta.(発表予定).
[Publications] M.Sataka: "Binary Peak Electrons Observed at 0 Degree for 0.5-1.0 MeV/uAg^<q+> and Au^<q+> Ions in Collision with a He Target" Physica Scripta.(発表予定).
[Publications] T.Fan: "Multichannel Fission Model Applied to U-233,U-235 and U-238(n,f)" High Energy Phys.and Nucl.Phys.20. 422-429 (1996)
[Publications] G.Tang: "Neutron Data Relative to Nuclear Energy and Neutron Reaction Research" Trends in Nucl.Phys.13. 13-15 (1996)
[Publications] J.Yuan: "Study of p-^<11>B Reaction Associated with Clear Fusion Fuel" Chin.J.Nucl.Phys.18. 21-27 (1996)
[Publications] H.Liu: "In-situ Ion Beam Analysis of H and He Impurity Behavior" Trends in Nucl.Phys.13. 53-55 (1996)
[Publications] Z.Xia: "Studies on Processing of Closing Collisions between Ion-atom" Trends in Nucl.Phys. 13. 50-52 (1996)
[Publications] H.Liu: "Energy Loss and Struggling of He-4 Ions in Havor" Chin.Phys Lett.13. 520-522 (1996)
[Publications] Z.Zhao: "Study in Preparing Nano Grain Metal-Insulator Film,Cu-CaF_2" Nucl.Sci.Tech.7. 240-242 (1996)
[Publications] Z.Zhao: "Study of Microstructure of Cu Cluster Embedded in CaF_2" Material Eng.Sci.(発表予定).
[Publications] Z.Zhao: "The Preparation and Microstructure of Metal Grain-Semiconductor Film,Cu:CdS" Acta Phys.Sinica. (発表予定).
[Publications] Y.Wang: "The Formation of Special Carrier Distribution by MeV Multienergy Boron Ion Implantation into Si" Acta Semicond.Sinica. 16. 772- (1996)