Research Abstract |
In order to acoomplish the purpose of this project, i. e. Textual Criticism and Japanese Translation of the Lalitavistara, we must, first and last, engaged in three basic works. The three works are as follows. (1)Investigating the Nepal Manuscripts of the Lalitavistara belonging to Tokyo University Library and other Universities or Archives in all the world. (2)Investigating the Tibetan Translation of the Lalitavistara (3)Understanding the current of Indian thought, in which Buddhism (and particularly Mahayana Buddhism) is profoundly influenced by Hinduism Carrying out the first and the second works, I refered to thirteen mss. in total which include four mss. owned by Tokyo University, and five editions of Tibetan translation (Peking, Sde-dge, Lha-sa, Snar-than, Cone). Through the references I made a comparative list of Sanskrit and Tibetan words, and I did my best to make an accurate text and a correct taranslation as much as possible. Relating to the third work, I did some researches on the Bhagavad-gita, and I made a study on the view of soul in Greek and in India by the comparative method. In these tow years, after all, I wrote seven articles, six of which are already published and one is now in press. The four articles of them are concerned with Textual Criticism, and the three with understanding of Mahayana-Buddhist thought. Lalitavistara is too large to read all the chapters in a short period. But, thanks to this grant-in-aid, I was able to finish Textual Criticsm and Japanese Translation of Chapter 15. I plan to continue publishing the chapter in parts successively from now on, but for the present I am sure that I have achieved the main purpose kept in anticipation.