[Publications] Usui, S.: "Recovery of vanishing cycles by log geometry : case of several variables" Proc. "Commutative algebra and Algebraic geometry" , Hanoi 1996, Lect. Note Math., Springer-Verlag. (to appear).
[Publications] Usui, S.: "Recovery of vanishing cycles by log geometry" Tohoku Math. J.(submitted).
[Publications] Kato, K. Usui, S.: "Logarithmic Hodge structures and classifying spaces (Summary)" Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute / CRM summer School 1998 : "The Arithmetic ang Geometry of Algebraic Cycles" , Banff. (submitted).
[Publications] Nakamura, I.: "Global deformations of P^2-bundles over P^1-bundles" J. Math. Kyoto Univ.38. 29-54 (1998)
[Publications] Ito, Y. and Nakamura, I.: "Hilbert schemes and simple singularities" Proc. "New trends in Algebraic geometry" , Warwick 1996, cambridge Univ. Press. 151-233 (1999)
[Publications] Alexeev, V. and Nakamura, I.: "On Mumford's construction of degenerating abelian varieties" Tohoku Math. J.(to appear).
[Publications] Nakamura, I.: "Compactification of the moduli obabelian varieties over Z [ S_N, 1/N]" Comptes Rendus acad. scient. Paris. 327. 875-880 (1998)
[Publications] Nakamura, I.: "Stability of degenerate abelian varieties" Invent. Math.(to appear).
[Publications] Nakamura, I.: "Hilbert schemes of abelian group orbits" Max Plank Preprint series. 101. (1998)
[Publications] Ishida, M. -N. and Kato, F.: "The strong rigidity theorem for non-Archimedean uniformization" Tohoku Math. J.50. 537-555 (1998)
[Publications] Kawamata, Y.: "Index 1 covers of logterminal singularities" J. Alg. Geom.(to appear).
[Publications] Kawamata, Y.: "Subadjunction of log canonical divisors II" Amer. J. Math.120. 893-899 (1998)
[Publications] Kawamata, Y.: "Deformations of canonical singularities" J. Amer. Math. Soc.(to appear).
[Publications] Fujita, T.: "An appendix to Kawachi-Macek's paper on global generation of adjoint bundles on normal surfaces" J. Alg. Geom.7. 251-252 (1998)
[Publications] Mukai, S.: "Lattice theoretic construction of symplectic action on K3 surfaces" Duke Math. J.92. 593-603 (1998)
[Publications] Mukai, S.: "Duality of polarized K3 surfaces" Proc. Euroconference on Algebraic Geometry, cambridge University Press. 107-122 (1998)
[Publications] Mukai, S.: "Abelian variety and spin representations" Warwick preprint. 13. (1998)
[Publications] Mukai, S.: "Eguations defining a space curve" Warwick preprint. 14. (1998)
[Publications] Mukai, S.: "Simple Lie algebra and Legendre subvariety" Warwick preprint. 15. (1998)
[Publications] Miyanishi, M. and Yang, J. -G.: "Surfaces of general type whose canonical map is composed of a pencil of senus 3 with small invariants" J. Math. Kyoto Univ.38. 123-149 (1998)
[Publications] Miyanishi, M. and Kinugawa, K.: "Reduction modulo P of cyclic group actions of order pr" J. Pure Applied Algebra. (to appear).
[Publications] Miyanishi, M. and Masuda, K.: "Invariant subvarieties of low codimension in the affine space" Tohoku Math. J.(submitted).
[Publications] Miyanishi, M. and Aoki, M.: "Geometric construction of certain etale endmorphisms" J. Algebra. (submitted).
[Publications] Miyanishi, M. and Gurlar, R. V.: "On a generalization of the Jacobian conjecture" J. reine angew. Math.(submitted).
[Publications] Miyanishi, M. and Masuda, K.: "Etale endmorphisms of algebraic surfaces with Gm-actions" Math. Ann.(submitted).
[Publications] Konno, K.: "Clifford index and the slope of fibered surfaces" J. Alg. Geom.(to appear).
[Publications] Konno, K.: "Certain algebraic surfaces with non-reduced moduli" Portugal. Math.(to appear).
[Publications] Saito, M. -H., Hosono, S., Stienstpa, J.: "On the mirror symmetry conjecture for Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-folds" proc. Taniguchi symp. 97 "Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry" , Kobe/Kyoto, World Scientific Co.194-235 (1998)
[Publications] Saito, M. -H.: "Prepotentials of Yukawa couplings of certain Calabi-Yau 3-folds and mirror symmetry" proc. NATO Aduanced Study Institute/CRM Summer School 1998 : "The Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Cycles" , Banff. (Submitted).
[Publications] Sumihiro, H.: "Determinantal varieties associated to rank two vector bundles on complex projective spaces" Hiroshima Math. J.(Submitted).
[Publications] Nakayama, N.: "Invariance of the plurigenera of algebraic varieties" Research Institut of Mathematical Science, preprint. 1191. (1998)
[Publications] Nakayama, N.: "Normalized tautological divisors of semi-stable vector bundles" Research Institute of Mathematical Science, preprint. 1214. (1998)
[Publications] Arakawa, T.: "Bounds for the order of automorphism groups of hyperelliptic fibrations" Tohoku Math. J.50. 317-323 (1998)
[Publications] Arakawa, T.: "A note on normally generated line bundles on compact Riemann surfaces" Tsukuba J. Math.22-3. (1999)
[Publications] Arakawa, T.: "Partially negative cyales and projective embeddings of surfaces of genelal type" Osaka J. Math.(to appear).
[Publications] Arakawa, T.: "A note on normally generated line bundles on compact Riemann surfaces, II" Tsukuba J. Math.(submitted).
[Publications] Sato, E. and Kachi, Y.: "Polarized varieties whose points are joined by national curves of small degree" Illinois J. Math.(to appear).
[Publications] Sato, E.: "Behavior of national curves with the minimal degree in projective space bundle" (submitted).
[Publications] Sato, E.: "Smooth 4-folds which contain a P^1-bundle as an ample divisor" (submitted).
[Publications] Ashikaga, T.: "Surface singularities on cyclic coverings and an ineguality for the signature" J. Math. Soc. Japan. (to appear).
[Publications] Arakawa, T. and Ashikaga, T.: "Local splitting families of hpere lliptic pencils, I" Max Plank Institute preprint series. 33. (1998)
[Publications] Usa, T.: "Problems on geometric struotures of projective embeddings" Report Fac. Sci. Himeji Institute of Technology. 9. 12-29 (1998)
[Publications] 川又雄次郎: "代数多様体論" 共立出版, 223 (1997)
[Publications] 加藤和也、 他二名: "現代数学の基礎 : 数論2" 岩波書店, 244 (1998)
[Publications] 向井 茂: "現在数学の展望 : モジュライ理論1" 岩波書店, 176 (1998)
[Publications] 森 重文, Kollar, J.: "現在数学の展望 : 双有理幾何学" 岩波書店, 328 (1998)
[Publications] Mori, S. and Kollar, J.: "Birational geometry of algebraic varieties" Cambridge University Press, (1998)