Research Abstract |
The rapid progress of motorization and the development of airline flight path networks have altered the structure of the transportation demand in Japan since the 1960's. This change has resulted in improved high mobility networks including roads, railways and airline flight paths. This study aims to observe the recent changes in the development of such networks based on travel time and cost and to evaluate them from the view point of transportation users. In evaluation, we propose an index calculated from travel lime and cost between regions. Comparison of this index to the transportation users' value of time has been evaluated for the networks of 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990, respectively. The main results obtained in this study are presented below. (1) Using the ratio of cost increase to time reduction, we have pointed out that, from 1960 to 1970, the travel cost decreased as the travel hours became shorter by all modes of transportation. This means that the situation was beneficial to all the users. For road transportation, however, regional gaps in transportation services widened from 1980 to 1990. The improvements in air travel services are extremely preferable to the users. (2) In the analysis based on the ratio of cost increase to time reduction and the users' value of time, we have found that, regarding air travel, all the users preferred the post-improvement situation in all the areas and in every period. For road and rail users from 1970 through 1980, however, most of them preferred the situation before the improvements were made, the problem being the transportation fare hikes during these years, which financially burdened the users. During the last decade, 1980-1990, the majority of road and rail users preferred the post- improvement situation in urban areas, but not very many felt this way in provincial areas. This result again indicates the presence of transportation service gaps by region.