[Publications] S Tsuji,: "Unstable expansion of triplet repeats as a new mechanism for neurodegenerative diseases" Internal Medicine. 36. 3-8 (1997)
[Publications] S Igarashi,: "Atypical clinical presentations of X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy in patients with mild CAG expansions in androgen receptor gene" Eur Neurol. 38. 310-312 (1997)
[Publications] T Ikeuchi,: "Gene locus for autosomal recessive distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles maps to chromosome 9" Ann Neurol. 41. 432-437 (1997)
[Publications] YX Zhou,: "Machado-Joseph disease in four Chinese pedigrees : Molecular analysis of 15 patients including two juvenile cases and clinical correlations" Neurology. 48. 482-485 (1997)
[Publications] M Oyake,: "Molecular cloning of murine homologue dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy(DRPLA)cDNA. Strong conservation of a polymorphic CAG repeat in the murine gene" Genomics. 40. 205-207 (1997)
[Publications] K Muraki,: "Severe lactic acidosis and neonatal death Pearson syndrome" J Inher Metab Dis. 20. 43-48 (1997)
[Publications] A Seki,: "Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with 15915 mutation : case report" Pediatr Neurol. 17. 161-164 (1997)
[Publications] M Ozawa,: "Myoclonus epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers : A G-TO-A mutation at nucleotide pair 8363 in mitochondrial tRNA^<Lys> in two families" Muscle Nerve. 20. 271-278 (1997)
[Publications] M Okada,: "Effects of carbamazepine on hippocampal serotonergic system." Epilepsy Res. 31・3. 187-198 (1998)
[Publications] M Okada,: "Interaction between Ca^<2+>,K^+ carbamazepine and zonisamide on hippocampal extracellular glutamate monitored with a microdialysis electrode." Brit J Pharmacol. 124. 1277-1285 (1998)
[Publications] S Kaneko: "Pregancy and quality of life in women with epilepsy." Clin Ther. 20 Suppl.A. A30-A47 (1998)
[Publications] M Okada,: "Effects of antiepileptic drugs on K^+-induced glutamate release spreading depression in the hippocampus determined with an in vivo microdyalysis glutamate biosensor(MGB)." Epilepsia. 39 Suppl.5. 56 (1998)
[Publications] K Wada: "Occupational and marital status of patients with epilepsy." Epilepsia. 39 Suppl.5. 66-67 (1998)
[Publications] M Okada,: "Pharmacological interactions between magnesium ion and adenosine on monoaminergic system in the central nervous system." Magnesium Res. 11. 289-305 (1998)
[Publications] 奥村彰久,: "ほぼ同時に発症した「軽症下痢に伴うけいれん」の一卵性双生児例" 脳と発達. 31. 59-62 (1999)
[Publications] 奥村彰久,: "「軽症胃腸炎に伴うけいれん」の臨床像" 小児科臨床. 52. 51-55 (1999)
[Publications] T Sato,: "Transgenic mice harboring a full-length human mutant DRPLA gene exhibit agedependent intergenerational and somatic instabilities of CAG repeats comparable to those in DRPLA patients." Hum Mol Genet. 8・1. 99-106 (1999)
[Publications] 前澤真理子,: "神経性食欲不振症とcontra-coup injury-治療経過と画像診断-" 脳と発達. 31・1. 88-89 (1999)
[Publications] J Ono,: "Ring chromosome 14 complicated with complex partial seizures and hypoplastic corpus callosum." Pediatr Neurol. 20・1. 70-72 (1999)
[Publications] M Okada,: "Differential effects of adenosine receptor subtypes on release and reuptake of hippocampal serotonin." Eur J Neurosci. 11. 1-9 (1999)
[Publications] S Kaneko: "Congenital malformations due to antiepileptic drugs." Epilepsy Res. 32. in press (1999)
[Publications] 宮本百合子,: "部分発作とみなされるてんかん発作症状を持つ良性成人型家族性ミオクローヌスてんかん(Benign adult familial myoclonus epilepsy(BAFME)の1家系" てんかん研究. 17・1(印刷中). (1999)
[Publications] S Tobimatsu,: "Chromative sensitive epilepsy-A variant of photosensitive epilepsy." Ann Neurol. (accepted). (1999)
[Publications] H Utsunomiya,: "Development of the temporal lobe in infants and children ; Analysis by MR-based volumetry." Amer J Neuroradiol. (accepted). (1999)
[Publications] 満留昭久,: "テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」視聴により誘発された光感受性発作に関する臨床的・脳波学的検討" 厚生科学特別研究「光感受性発作に関する臨床研究」報告書. 71-76 (1998)
[Publications] 飛松省三,: "視覚誘発電位、脳波、脳磁図を用いたポケモン発作の発症機序に関する研究" 厚生科学特別研究「光感受性発作に関する臨床研究」報告書. 113-121 (1998)
[Publications] 大府正治,: "中心・側頭部に棘波を有する良性小児部分てんかん(BECT)における高振幅SEP : 睡眠・覚醒による変化" 脳波と筋電図. 26. 285-291 (1998)
[Publications] 大府正治,: "インフルエンザ脳症後、驚愕てんかんを呈した2例" 臨床脳波. 40. 682-686 (1998)
[Publications] 大府正治,: "乳児重症ミオクロニーてんかん(SMEI)における高振幅体性感覚誘発電位の経時的変化についての研究-周辺群および熱性痙攣との比較-" てんかん治療研究振興財団研究年報. 10. 133-137 (1998)
[Publications] S Igarashi,: "Suppression of aggregate formation and apoptosis by transglutaminase inhibitors in cells expressing truncated DRPLA protein with an expanded polyglutamine stretch." Nature Genet. 18. 111-117 (1998)
[Publications] M Saito,: "Refinement of the gene locus for autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism(AR-JP)on chromosome 6q25.2-27 and identification of markers exhibiting linkage disequilibrium." J Hum Genet. 43. 22-31 (1998)
[Publications] E Sidransky,: "A triplet repeat on 17q accounts for most expansions detected by the repeat expansion detection technique." Amer J Hum Genet. 62・6. 1548-1551 (1998)
[Publications] S Tsuji: "Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy(DRPLA)." Analysis of Triplet Repeat Disorders,edited by Rubinsztein,D.C.and Hayden,M.R.BIOS Scientific Publishers,Oxford.209-218 (1998)
[Publications] 前澤真理子,: "ローランド棘波とTVモニターにより誘発されたけいれん" 脳波と筋電図. 26・3. 262-263 (1998)
[Publications] 前澤真理子,: "環境ホルモン(外因性内分泌攪乱物質)と小児の診療" 産婦人科の世界. 51・1. 65-69 (1998)
[Publications] A Honda,: "Isolated lissencephaly sequence with balanced chromosome translocation involving 17p13.3." Brain Dev. 20. 190-192 (1998)
[Publications] H Kurahashi,: "Molecular cloning of the chromosomal breakpoint in the LIS1 gene of a patient with isolated lissencephaly and balanced t(8 ; 17)." Hum Genet. 103. 189-192 (1998)
[Publications] M Sakamoto,: "Alteration of the LIS1 gene in Japanese patients with isolated lissencephaly sequence or Miller-Dieker syndrome." Hum Genet. 103. 586-589 (1998)
[Publications] H Takano,: "Close associations between prevalence of dominantly irherited spinocerebellar ataxias with CAG-repeat expansions and frequencies of large normal CAG alleles in Japanese and Caucasian-populations." Am J Hum Genet. 63・4. 1060-1066 (1998)
[Publications] M Okada,: "Effects of Ca^<2+> channel antagonists on striatal dopamine and DOPA release,studies by in vivo microdialysis." Brit J Pharmacol. 123. 805-814 (1998)
[Publications] CD Ferrie,: "Early onset benign occipital seizure susceptibility syndrome" Epilepsia. 38. 285-293 (1997)
[Publications] K Aso,: "Frontal lobe epilepsy of childhood onset" Epilepsia. 38 Suppl.6. 40-41 (1997)
[Publications] T Ohoki,: "Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy evolution of seizures" Seizure. 6. 219-224 (1997)
[Publications] K Wada,: "Prognosis and clinical features of intractable epilepsy : A prospective study" Psychiat Clin Neurosciences. 51. 233-235 (1997)
[Publications] 満留昭久,: "日本人良性新生児けいれん(BFNC)家系でのNicotinic acethylcholine recept or α4 subunit(CHRNA-4)の変異の検索" てんかん治療研究振興財団研究年報. 9. 152-160 (1997)
[Publications] M Ozawa,: "Single muscle fiber analysis in patients with 3243 mutation in mitochondrial DNA : Comparision with the phenotype and the proportion of mutant genome." J Neurol Sci. 159. 170-175 (1998)
[Publications] M Makino,: "Confirmation that a T-to-C mutation at 9176 in mitochondrial DNA is an additional candidate mutation for Leigh's syndrome." Neuromuscul Disord. 8. 149-151 (1998)
[Publications] T Kuroiwa,: "Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy showing prominent microvacuolation and necrosis of intestinal smooth muscle cells : A case diagnosed by rectal biopsy." Acta Neuropathol. 96. 86-90 (1998)
[Publications] S Nishizuka,: "Tissue-specific involvement of multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in familial mitochondrial myopathy." Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 247. 24-27 (1998)
[Publications] K Watanabe,: "West syndrome : etiological and prognostic aspects." Brain Dev. 20・1. 1-8 (1998)
[Publications] 渡辺一功,: "乳幼児期、児童期のてんかん" 臨床精神医学講座9 てんかん、中山書店、東京. 9. 254-264 (1998)
[Publications] 渡辺一功,: "脳の発達とてんかんの病態" 神経研究の進歩. 42. 954-961 (1998)
[Publications] 奥村彰久,: "早産児に発症したWest症候群-新生児期における脳波所見の経時的変化-" 臨床脳波. 40. 700-704 (1998)
[Publications] A Okumura,: "Evolutional changes and outcome of West syndrome : correlation with magnatic resonance imaging findings." Epilepsia. 39 Suppl.5. 46-49 (1998)
[Publications] Yan Ping Lin,: "Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infants : Video-EEG features and log-term follow-up." Neuropediatr. 29. 268-271 (1998)
[Publications] S Hirose,: "Valproate therapy does not deplete carnitine levels in otherwise healthy children." Pediatrics. 101・5. 1-5 (1998)