[Publications] Ohgushi,T.& Sawada,H.: "What changed the demography of an herbivorous lady beetle?" Journal of Animal Ecology. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Kudo G.: "Sex expression and fruit set of an and romonoecious herb,Peucedanum multivittatum(Umbeliferae)along a snowmelt gradient" Opera Botanica. 132. 121-128 (1997)
[Publications] Kudo G.: "Effects of snowmelt timing on reproductive phenology and pollination process of alpine plants" Memories of National Institute of Polar Research,Special Issue,Proceeding of the Intemational Symposium on Environmental Research in the Arctic. 51. 71-82 (1997)
[Publications] Suzuki S.and Kudo G.: "Short-term effects of simulated environmental change on phenology,leaftraits,and shoot growth of alpine plants on a temperate mountain,northem Japan" Global Change Biology. 3. 108-115 (1997)
[Publications] Abrams,P.A.& Matsuda,H.: "Prey adaptation as a cause of preda tor-prey cycles" Evolution. 51-6. 1740-1748 (1997)
[Publications] Miya,M.& Nishida,M.: "Speciation in the open ocean" Nature. 389. 803-804 (1997)
[Publications] Mboko,S.K.: "Asymmetry of mouth-opening of a small her-bivorous cichlid fish Telmatochromis temporalis in Lake Tanganyika" Zoological Science. 15-3(in press).
[Publications] Mitsuharu Tanaka,Satoshi Tahara: "FDA-dependent epoxidase as a key enzyme in fungal metabolism of prenylated flavonoids" Phytochemistry. 46. 433-439 (1997)
[Publications] Chen,H.-w,and M.J.Toda: "Amiota(Phortica)magna species-complex,with descriptions of three new species from China(Diptera.Drosophilidae)" Japanese Journal of Entomology. 65-4. 784-792 (1997)
[Publications] Toda,M.J.and M.T.Kimura: "Life-history traits related to host selection in mycophagous drosophilids" Journal of Anmimal Ecology. 66-2. 154-166 (1997)
[Publications] 日浦勉 他: "北海道大学苫小牧演習林における大面積調査区データにもとづいた落葉広葉樹林の群落構造" 北海道大学演習林研究報告. 55. 1-10 (1998)
[Publications] Noguchi,K.and Terashima,I.: "Comparative study of the respiratorysystems of leaves in sun and shade plants" Physiologia Plantarum. 101. 1-7 (1997)
[Publications] 和田英太郎: "同位対比法は生態学で何をめざすか" 月刊海洋. 29-7. 436-442 (1997)
[Publications] Yoshii et al.: "^<13>C and ^<15>Nabundarces in the sediment core(Ver92/1-St-1D-GC2)from Northern Lake Baikal" Isotopes Environ.Health Stud.33. 277-286 (1997)
[Publications] Hanba et al.: "Variations in leaf δ ^<13>C along a vertical profile of irradicxce in temperate Japanese forest" Oecologia. 110. 253-261 (1997)
[Publications] Sidorenko,V.S: "Sidorenko,V.S.I.Subgenera Pseudostegana Okada and Steganina Wheeler" Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France(N.S.). 33-2. 165-172 (1997)
[Publications] 市岡孝朗: "サラワク・ランビル国立公園の生態調査" 昆虫と自然. 32-14. 31-34 (1997)
[Publications] Hashimoto,Y.et al.: "A preliminary study on dietary habits of ants in a Bomean rain forest" Japanese Journal of Entomology. 65. 688-695 (1997)
[Publications] Chapin F.S.III.: "Ecosystem consequences changing biodiversity" BioScience. 48. 45-52 (1998)
[Publications] CostanzaR.et al.: "The value of the world's ecosystem services andnatural capital" Nature. 378. 253-260 (1997)
[Publications] Inoue,T.et al.: "Mound structure of the fungus-growing termite Macrotermes gilvus in Thailand" Journal of Tropical Ecology. 13. 115-124 (1997)
[Publications] Timoshkin,O.A.Kawakatsu,M.: "Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Diplosiphon EVDONIN,1997(Plathelminthes,Neorhabdocoela,Kalyptorhynchia),endemic to Lake Baikal.with the Description of Two New Species,a New Diagnosis of Genus Diplosiphon and Establishment of D.Baikalensis Neotype" Bull.Fuji Women's College. 34-11. 63-85 (1996)
[Publications] Kuznedelov,K.D.et al.: "Rhylogenetic Relationships of Triclades(Turbellaria,Tricladida,Paludicola)of Lake Baikal Deduced from 18S rRNA Sequence Data." Molecular Biology. 30-6-1. 792-797
[Publications] Kunst F.et al.: "The complete genomesequence of the Gram-positive bacterium Baclllus subtilis" Nature. 390. 249-256 (1997)
[Publications] Shimada,Y.et al.: "A protein encoded by [din1],a dark-inducible and senescence-associated gene of radish,can be imported by isolated chloroplasts and has sequence similarlty to sulfide dehydrogenase and other small stress proteins" Plant Cell Physiol. 39. 139-143 (1998)
[Publications] Wu,G.-J.and Watanabe,A.: "Import of modified D1 protein and its assemblyinto photosystem lI by siolated chloroplasts" Plant Cell Physiol. 38. 243-247 (1997)
[Publications] Watanabe,A.et al.: "InternalGln/Glu ratio as a potential regulatory parameter for the expression of a cytosolic glutamine synthetase gene of radish in cultured cells" Plant Cell Physiol. 38. 1000-1006 (1997)
[Publications] One,K.and Watanabe,A.: "Levels of endogenous sugars,transcrips of [rbcS]and[rbcL],and fo RuBisCO protein in senescing sunflower leaves" Plant Cell Physiol. 38. 1032-1038 (1997)
[Publications] Wang,G.-Z.et al.: "Plasmon analyses of Triticum(wheat)and Aegilops:PCR-single strand conformational polymorphism(PCR-SSCP)analyses of organellar DNAs" Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.,USA. 94. 14570-14577 (1997)
[Publications] Mori,N.et al.: "Variation in coxll ihtron in the wild ancestral species of wheat" Hereditas. 126. 281-288 (1997)
[Publications] Kawabe,A.et al: "Phylogenetic relationship among the section of Stenophora in the genus Dioscorea based on the analysis of nucleotide variation in the phosphoglucose isomerase(Pgi)locus." Genes and Genet.Sys.72. 253-262 (1997)
[Publications] Terauchi,R.et al.: "DNA polymorphism at the Pgi locus of a wild yam,Dioscorea tokoro" Genetics. 147. 1899-1914 (1997)
[Publications] Wang,G.-Z.et al.: "Plasmon analyses of Triticum(wheat)and Aegilops:PCR-single strand conformational polymorphism(PCR-SSCP)analyses of organellar DNAs" Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.,USA. 94. 14570-14577 (1997)
[Publications] Mori,N.et al.: "Variation in coxll ihtron in the wild ancestral species of wheat" Hereditas. 126. 281-288 (1997)
[Publications] Kawabe,A.et al.: "Phylogenetic relationship among the section of Stenophora in the genus Dioscorea based on the analysis of nucleotide variation in the phosphoglucose isomerase(Pgi)locus." Genes and Genet.Sys.72. 253-262 (1997)
[Publications] Terauchi,R.et al.: "DNA polymorphism at the Pgi locus of wild yam,Dioscorea tokoro" Genetics. 147. 1899-1914 (1997)
[Publications] Yajima,T.et al.: "Forest recovery after distubance by the 1926 Mudflow at Mount Tokachi,Hokkaido,Japan" Res.Bull.Exp.For.Hokkaido Univ.55-1. 216-228 (1998)
[Publications] Nohara,S.et al.: "Pesticides residue flux from rainwater into Lake Nakanuma in the rainy season" Japanese Journal of Limnology. 58. 385-373 (1997)
[Publications] Campbell,I.et al.: "La vida als rius I els llacs.In:R.Folch and J.M.Camarasa(eds.),Biosphera 6.Selves temperades" Encyclopedia Calalana,Barcelona(in Spanish). 175-188 (1997)
[Publications] 林秀剛・岩熊敏夫(編): "課題講演 尾瀬ヶ原の陸水生態" 陸水学雑誌. 58. 105-124 (1997)
[Publications] 香村真徳: "サンゴ礁海域と沖縄の海藻" 沖縄復帰25周年シンポ成果報告. (印刷中).
[Publications] Grevo,S.et al.: "Phenology and agar yield of Gracilaria blodgettii in the tropical watrer,Okinawa,Japan" Bull.Mar.Sci.Fish.,Kochi Univ.17. 23-28 (1997)
[Publications] Takada,T.and Nakajima,H.: "Theorems on the invasion process in stage-structured populations with density-dependent dynamics." Journal of Mathematical Biology. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Xing-Jun Tian: "Dynamics of carbon and nutrients in Abies needle and Betula leaf littters during two-year decomposition period." Applied forest Science. Kansai,2(in press). (1998)
[Publications] Tamon Yamashita,Takeda,H.: "Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of leaf litter in litter bags of two mesh sizes set in two dipterocarp forest sites in Peninsular Malaysia." Pedobilogia. 42-1(in press). (1998)
[Publications] Xing-jun Tian et al.: "Application of a rapid thin section method for observations on decomposing litter in mor humus from in a subalpine coniferous forest." Ecological Research. 12. 289-300 (1997)
[Publications] 山根正気: "アリの餌をめぐる最近の話題" 昆虫と自然. 32-10. 2-6 (1997)
[Publications] 山根正気: "社会性昆虫コレクションとアジアの自然史学" タクサ. 4. 20-26 (1998)
[Publications] Urabe,J.et al.: "Phosphorus Imitation of Daphnia growth:is it real?" Limnol Oceanogr.42. 1436-1443 (1997)
[Publications] 中西正己、関野樹: "琵琶湖水質の生物学的特徴" 環境技術. 26. 13-17 (1997)
[Publications] Sekino,T et al.: "Inter-and intraspecific difference in fatty acid composition of freshwater" Freshwater Biol.38. 611-618 (1997)
[Publications] Yuma,M.et al.: "Food resources of shrimp-eating cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika" Env.Biol.Fish. 47.
[Publications] Tanaka,H.et al.: "Evaluation of the role of wind dispersal in tree population dynamics by using a mechanistic approach" Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 6. 155-174 (1998)
[Publications] Masaki,T.et al.: "The seed bank dynamics of cornus controversa and their role in regeneration" Seed Science Research. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Yumoto,T.et al.: "DIWPA(The international network for DIVERSITAS in Westem Pacific and Asia)activities in 1993-1996" Researches Related to the UNESCO's Man and Biospere Proaramme in Japan,1996-1997. 67-69 (1997)
[Publications] Yamane,Sk.: "The genus Discoelius Latreille(Hymenoptera,Eumenidae)in Taiwan" Journal of Taiwan Museum. 49. 111-115 (1997)
[Publications] Kikuzawa,K.et al.: "How trees expand their leaves in tropical forests:Interpretation by observation of shoot morphology" Sabah Parks Nature Journal. 1. 19-35 (1997)
[Publications] Kitayama,K.et al.: "Fine-litterfall dynamics in hill and montane forests on Mount Kinabalu in the 1996 masting year" Tropics. 7. (1998)
[Publications] Ushimaru,A.& Kikuzawa,K.: "Variation of breeding system,floral rewards,and reproductive success in clonal Calystegia species" American Journal of Botany. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Takasu,F.et al.: "Simulation study of stratified diffusion model" Forma. 12. 167-175 (1997)
[Publications] 山根正気: "インド亜大陸の社会性ハチ類" 昆虫と自然. 33-3. 21-25 (1998)
[Publications] 日浦勉 他: "日本列島におけるミズナラの堅果重と気象因子との相関" 植物地理分類研究. 45. 35-37 (1997)
[Publications] 上島信彦 他: "北方針広混交林のおけるトドマツとミズナラの実生の定着におよぼす要因" 森林立地. 39. 86-93 (1997)
[Publications] 日浦勉 他: "北海道大学苫小牧演習林における大面積調査区データにもとづいた落葉広葉樹の群落構造" 北大演研報. 55. 1-10 (1998)
[Publications] 原口 昭: "霧多布湿原の水質の概要" Kiritapp Reports. 1. 9-15 (1997)
[Publications] 西島 博樹 他: "春国岱における植生と地下部環境に関する解析" 釧路論集. 29. 41-52 (1997)
[Publications] 伊豫部 勉 他: "海霧を媒体とした湿原生態系への海塩輸送に関する基礎研究" 釧路論集. 29. 53-75 (1997)
[Publications] Nakano,Shigeru et al.: "Competitive interactions for foraging microhabitat among exotic brook charr,Salvelinus fontinalis,native bull charr,S.confluentus,and westsiope cutt hroat trout,Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi,in a Montana stream" Environmental Biology of Fishes. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] 重定南奈子: "パッチ状環境と生物の存続" 生態学会誌. 47. 193-197 (1997)
[Publications] Tanaka,H.& Nakashizuka,T.: "Fifteen-years of canopy dynamics analysed by aerial photographs in a temperate deciduous forest,Japan" Ecology. 78. 612-620 (1997)
[Publications] Nakashizuka,T.et al.: "Production-dependent reproductive allocation of a tall tree species Quercus serrata" Journal of Plant Research. 110. 7-13 (1997)
[Publications] Shibata,M.: "Causes and consequences of mast seed production of four co-occurring Carpinus species in a temperate forest,Japan" Ecology. 79. 54-64 (1997)
[Publications] Kitao,M.et al.: "Increased susceptibility to photoinhibition in leaves of Japanese elm(Ulmus davidiana var.japonica)with high manganese concent-ration" Plant and Soil 195 special issue. 195. 409-410 (1997)
[Publications] Mizuno M.et al.: "Food utilization of aphidophagous hoverfly larvae(Diptera:Syrphidae,Chamaemyiidae)on herbaceous plants in an urban habitat" Ecological Research. 12. 239-248 (1997)
[Publications] Itioka T.et al.: "Biological control by two exotic parasitoids:eight-year population dynamics and life tables of the arrowhead scale" Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 5:. 65-74 (1997)
[Publications] Sakai,S.et al.: "Evolutionarily stable resource allocation for production of wind-dispersed seeds" Evolutionary Ecology. (in press).
[Publications] Chongjiu Li,et al.: "Antiviral and antifungal activities of some naphthoquinones from the roots of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.et Zucc.(Boraginaceae)" J.Pesticide Sci.23. 54-57 (1998)
[Publications] 市岡孝朗: "アリとカイガラムシ-固体群の特性に影響を与える共生関係" 生物科学. 49. 131-138 (1997)
[Publications] Nishi,E.: "Aging infauna from host coral growth bands" Reef Encounte. 21. 15-16 (1997)
[Publications] Ishii,R.and Higashi,M.: "Tree coexistence on a slope:an adaptive significance of trunk inclination" Proceedings of the Royal Society,London. B-264. 133-140 (1997)
[Publications] Wakano,J.Y.et al.: "Dynamic model of optimal age polyethism in social insects under stable and fluctuating environments" Journal of theoretical Biology. (in press).
[Publications] Kitao,M.et al.: "Effects of manganese toxicity on photosynthesis of white birch(Betula platyphylla var.japonica)seedlings" Physiol.Plant. 101. 249-256 (1997)
[Publications] Satoshi Tahara,et al.: "Fungal metabolism of prenylated flavonoids" Phytochemistry. 44. 1031-1036 (1997)
[Publications] Yasuhumi Katagiri,et al.: "Ferulic acid esters of unsaturated higher alcohols from lupinus luteus roots" Phytochemistry. 46. 347-352 (1997)
[Publications] N.Munakata et al.: "Induction of unique tandem-base change mutations in bacterial spores exposed to extreme dryness" Mutation Research. 390. 189-195 (1997)
[Publications] Sagai,T.et al.: "rim2(recombination induced mutation 2)is a new allele of pearl and a mouse model of human Hermansky-Pudlak syndrom(HPS):genetic and physical mapping" Mammal.Genome. 9. 2-7 (1998)
[Publications] Hashimoto,Y.& Yamane,Sk.: "A preliminary study on dietary habits of ants in a Bomean rain forest" Japanese Journal of Entomology. 65. 688-695 (1997)
[Publications] Terayama,M.& Yamane,Sk.: "Two new species of the genera Apenesia and Dissomphalus(Hymenoptera,Bethylidae)from Borneo" Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology. 3. 213-216 (1997)
[Publications] H.Shibata et al.: "Proton budgets of forest soils during the snowmelt process in Hokkaido,northern Japan" Proceedings of International Congress of Acid Snow and Rain 1997,K.Aoyama et al.(eds). 491-496
[Publications] H.Shibata et al.: "Relationship between soil acidification and nutrient cycling in a forest ecosystem on Volcanogenous Regosols in Hokkaido,northern Japan,Plant nutrition,T.Ando et al.(eds)" Kluwer Acdemic Publishers. 547-548 (1997)
[Publications] Inoue,Nakano,Nakamura: "Juvenile masu salmon(Oncorhynchus masou)abundance and stream habitat relationships in northern Japan" Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci.54. 1331-1341 (1997)
[Publications] Tomizawa,H.et al.: "Chemical modification of rain water by Alnus japonica wetland forest in Kiritapp Mire,eastern Hokkaido,Japan" Journal of Forest Research. 3. 189-192 (1997)
[Publications] Tayasu,I.et al.: "Nitrogen and carbon isotope rations in termites:an indicator of trophic habit along the gradient from wood-feeding to soil-ffeding." Ecological Entomology. 22. 343-351 (1997)
[Publications] Sakai,S.& H.Nagamasu.: "Systematic studies of Bornean Zingiberaceae L.Amomum in Lambir Hills,Sarawak" Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 55-1. 45-64 (1998)
[Publications] 福井勝義: "コモンズを支えるパラダイムは" 人環フォーラム. 2. 14-19 (1997)
[Publications] Katsuyoshi FUKUI: "Abustracts of the Main Publications" Comparative Studies of Northeast African Societies:Anthropology,Linguistics and History 'A review of Japanese research projects 1987-1997. 22-23 (1997)
[Publications] Yumoto,T.et al.: "Pollination of hemiparasites(Loranthaceae)by spider hunters(Nectarinidae)in the canopy of a bornean tropical rain forest." Selbyana. 18-1. 51-60 (1997)
[Publications] Momose,K.et al.: "The Canopy Biology Plot in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak" General flowering of tropical rainforest in Sarawak(Canopy Biology Program in Sarawak(CBPS). 11. 11-19 (1997)
[Publications] Nagamasu,H.& K.Momose: "Flora of Lambir Hills National Park,Sarawak,with special reference to the Canopy Biology Plot" General flowering of tropical rainforest in Sarawak(Canopy Biology Program in Sarawak(CBPS). 11. 20-67 (1997)
[Publications] Ohgushi,T.: "Biodiversity:An Ecological Perspective" Springer,New York,USA., 115-130 (1997)
[Publications] Ohgushi,T.: "Insect Populations:in Theory and in Practice" Chapman & Hall,London,UK(In press),
[Publications] 西平守孝: "「造礁サンゴ類」日高敏隆(監修)「日本動物大百科7無脊椎動物」" 平凡社, 35-38 (1997)
[Publications] 西平守孝: "「日本動物大百科7無脊椎動物」「サンゴは地球を救うか」日高敏隆(監修)" 平凡社, 37 (1997)
[Publications] Wada,E: "Conserving Biodiversity for Sustainable Development Indian National Science Academv" Stable isotope rations in Ecosystems-Possible Parameters assessing ecologycal function and structure, 53-60 (1997)
[Publications] Yamaoka,K.: "Fish communities Lake Tanganyika" Kyoto University Press, 25-56 (1997)
[Publications] Yamaoka,K.: "Fish communities in Lake Tanganyika" Kyoto University Press, 25-56 (1997)
[Publications] Hori,M.: "Fish communities in Lake Tanganyika" Kyoto University Press., 275-298 (1997)
[Publications] Kohda,M.et al.: "Fish communities in Lake Tanganyika" Kyoto University Press., 275-298 (1997)
[Publications] Nishida,M.: "In "Fish Communities in Lake Tanganyika" Kawanabe,H.,M.Hori and M.Nagoshi(eds.)" Kyoto Univ.Press, 3-23 (1997)
[Publications] Kohda,M.: "In:Kawanabe,H.,Hori,M.& Nagoshi,M.(eds.),Fish communities in Lake Tanganyika" Kyoto University Press, 121-136 (1997)
[Publications] 橋床泰之,田原哲士: "市原耿民、上野民夫編「植物病害の化学」" 学会出版センター、東京, 165-175 (1997)
[Publications] 井上民二・市原隆雄: "岩波講座「地球環境学」第5巻 生物多様性とその保全(井上民二・和田英太郎編)" 岩波書店(印刷中),
[Publications] Abe,T.et al.: "Biodiversity:A Ecological Perspective" Springer-Verlag,N.Y.,USA, (1997)
[Publications] Higashi,M;Abe,T.: "A Ecological Perspective.(ed.Abe,T.,Levin,S.A.and HIgashi,M.)" Springer-Verlag,N.Y.,USA., 83-112 (1997)
[Publications] 福井勝義 共編著: "岩波講座 文化人類学 第二巻 環境の人類誌" 岩波書店, 245 (1997)
[Publications] Shigesada,N.& Kawasaki,K.: "Biological Invasions:theory and practice.Oxford Series in Ecology and Evolution" Oxford University Press, 205 (1997)
[Publications] 重定南奈子: "競争と共存-生物多様性 in 数理生態学(巌佐康編),シリーズニューバイオフィジックス" 共立出版, 57-68 (1997)
[Publications] Kawanabe,H.et al.: "Fish ommunities in Lake Tanganyika" Kyoto University Press,Kyoto., 7+298 (1997)
[Publications] Yuma,M.& Kawanabe,H.ed.: "Ecological factors promoting biodiversity in Lake Biwa,Baikal,Tanganyika and Malawi" Center for Ecological Research,Kyoto University,Otsu, 119 (1997)
[Publications] Kawanabe,H.et al.: "Preface.in:Fish Communities in Lake Tanganyika(ed.by Kawanabe,H.,Hori,M.& Nagoshi,M.)" Kyoto University Press,Kyoto, 1-2 (1997)
[Publications] Inoue,T.and T.Iwakuma: "Activities of long-term ecological research in Japan.In:H.-B.King,S.P.Hamburg and Y.-J.Hsia(ed),Long-Term Ecological Research in East Asia-Pacific Region,pp.43-46" Taiwan Forestry Research Institute Press,Taipei., 43-46 (1997)
[Publications] T.Iwakuma and T.Inoue: "Long-term ecological research on freshwaters and wetlands of Jpana.In:H.-B.King,S.P.Hamburg and Y.-J.Hsia(ed),Long-Term Ecological Research in East Asia-Pacific Region,pp.47-54" Taiwan Forestry Research Institute Press,Taipei., 47-54 (1997)