[Publications] Chen,H.-w. and M.J.Toda: "A revision of the subgenus Amiota Loew (Diptera, Drosophilae) of Asia and Europe, with a phylogenetic analysis and establishment of species-groups."Journal of Natural History. (in press).
[Publications] Hu,Y.-g.and M.J.Toda: "Polyphyly of Lordiphosa and its relationships in Drosophilinae (Diptera : Drosophilidae)."Systematic Entomology. 26(1). 15-31 (2000)
[Publications] Tanabe,S.,M.J.Toda and A.V.Vinokurova: "Tree shape, forest structure and diversity of drosophilid community : Comparison between boreal and temperate birch forests."Ecological Research. 16(3)(in press).
[Publications] Yafuso,M.,F.Sultana,Y.Sasaki and M.J.Toda: "A new species of Colocasiomyia de Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from North Sulawesi, Indonesia."Entomological Science. 3(1). 115-119 (2000)
[Publications] Maeno,H.and Hiura,T.: "The effects of leaf phenology of overstory trees on the reproductive success of an understory shrub, Staphylea bumalda DC."Canadian Journal of Botany. 78. 781-785 (2000)
[Publications] Soyoka M.,K.Kawasaki,K.Sakai,F.Takasu and N.Shigesada: "Morphological plasticity in the coral Porites sillimaniani and its adaptiver significance."Bulletin of Marine Science. 66(1). 225-239 (2000)
[Publications] Iwata,K.,K.Kawasaki and N.Shigesada: "A dynamical model for the growth and size distribution of multiple metastatic tumors."J.theoretical Biology. 203. 177-186 (2000)
[Publications] Nunotani,H.,K.Kawasaki,F.Takasu,K.Togashi and N.Shigesada: "Spatial spread of pine will disease : modeling the dispersal distance distribution of the pine sawyer beetle, monochamus alternatus."Proceedings of 21th IUFRO Conference. (in press).
[Publications] Petrovskii,S.,K.Kawasaki,F.Takasu and N.Shigesada: "Diffusive waves, dynamical stabilization and spatio-temporal chaos in a community of three competitive species."Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 18(in press).
[Publications] 重定南奈子,川崎廣吉: "バクテリアコロニーの複雑なかたちづくり-拡散モデルの可能性"生物物理. 40. 1-5 (2000)
[Publications] Takasu,F.,N.Yamamoto,K.Kawasaki,K.Togashi and N.Shigesada: "Modeling the range expansion of pine wilt disease in Japan."Biological Invasion. 2. 141-150 (2000)
[Publications] 山本奈美子,高須夫悟,川崎廣吉,富樫一巳,岸洋一,重定南奈子: "マツ枯れシステムのダイナミクスと大域的伝播の数理解析"日本生態学会誌. 50. 275-282 (2000)
[Publications] Ishihara,M.: "Effect of variation in photoperiodic response on diapause induction and developmental time in the willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora."Entomologia Experimentalis et Aplicata. 96. 27-32 (2000)
[Publications] Ishihara,M.and Hayashi,T.: "Photoperiodic induction and termination of adult diapause in the willow leaf beetle, Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae)."Entomological Science. 3. 439-441 (2000)
[Publications] Tamura,S.and G.Kudo: "Wind pollination and insect pollination of two temperate willow species, Salix miyabeana and Salix sachalinensis."Plant Ecology. 147. 185-192 (2000)
[Publications] Itioka,T.,M.Nomura,Y.Inui,T.Itino and T.Inoue: "Difference in intensity of ant defense among three species of Macaranga myrmecophyte in a Southeast Asian dipterocarp forest."Biotropica. 32(2). 318-326 (2000)
[Publications] Nomura,M.,T.Itioka and T.Itino: "Difference in intensity of chemical defense within myrmecophytic and non-myrmecophytic sympatric species of Macaranga in a South East Asian dipterocarp forest."Ecological Research. 15. 1-11 (2000)
[Publications] 市岡孝朗: "アリ類が生物群集に果たす役割"昆虫と自然. 35(5). 4-6 (2000)
[Publications] Kitao,M.,T.T.Lei,T.Koike,H.Tobita,Y.Maruyama,Y.Matsumoto and Lai-Hoe Ang: "Temperature response and photoinhibition investigated by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements for four distinct species of Dipterocarp trees."Physiol.Plant.. 109. 284-290 (2000)
[Publications] Kitao,M.,T.T.Lei,T.Koike,H.Tobita,and Y.Maruyama: "Susceptibility to photoinhibition of three deciduous broadleaf tree species with different successional traits raised under various light regimes."Plant Cell Environ.. 23. 81-90 (2000)
[Publications] Fausch,K.D.,Y.Taniguchi,S.Nakano,G.Grossman and C.Townsend: "Flood disturbance regimes influence rainbow trout invasion success among five holarctic regions."Ecological Applications. (in press).
[Publications] Kawaguchi,Y.and S.Nakano: "The contribution of riparian invertebrate inputs to an annual resource budget of stream salmonids in forest and grassland reaches of a headwater stream."Freshwater Biology. (in press).
[Publications] Kohmatsu,Y.,S.Nakano and N.Yamamura: "Variation in growth and metamorphosis between typical and cannibalistic morphs in larval salamanders (Hynobius retardatus)."Ecological Research. (in press).
[Publications] Kuhara,N.,S.Nakano and H.Miyasaka: "Flow mediates the competitive influence of a grazing caddisfly on mayflies."Ecological Research. 15. 145-152
[Publications] Mitsuhashi,H.,T.Nozaki and K.Tanida: "Taxonomic notes on Neophylax koizumii (Iwata,1927) (TRICHOPERA) in Japan."Limnology. 1. 214-218 (2000)
[Publications] 三橋弘宗: "アツバエグリトビケラ属2種の流程分布、生活史及び微生息場所分離"陸水学雑誌. 61(3). 214-219 (2000)
[Publications] Motomori,K.,H.Mitsuhashi and S.Nakano: "The influence of litter quality on the colonization and consumption of stream invertebrate shredders."Ecological Research. (in press).
[Publications] Murakami,M.and S.Nakano: "Species-specific bird functions in a forest canopy food web."The Proceeding of the Royal Society of London, Biological Science. 267. 1597-1601 (2000)
[Publications] Nakano,S.and M.Murakami: "Reciprocal subsidies : dynamic interdependence between terrestrial and aquatic food webs."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91. 166-170 (2000)
[Publications] Shibata,H.,H.Mitsuhashi,Y.Miyake and S.Nakano: "Hydrobiogeochemical carbon dynamics in forest and stream ecosystems in a cool-temperate forested basin in northern Japan."Hydrological Process. (in press).
[Publications] Taniguchi,Y.and S.Nakano: "Condition-specific competition : implications for the altitudinal distribution of stream fishes."Ecology. 81. 2027-2039 (2000)
[Publications] Taniguchi,Y.,Y.Miyake,T.Saito,H.Urabe and S.Nakano: "Redd superimposition by introduced rainbow trout on native charrs in a Japanese stream."Ichthyological Research. 7(2). 149-156 (2000)
[Publications] 谷口義則,中野繁: "地球温暖化と局所的環境撹乱が淡水魚類群集に及ぼす複合的影響"陸水学雑誌. 61. 79-94 (2000)
[Publications] Wada,N.and M.Murakami: "Effects of herbivore-bearing adult trees of the oak Quercus crispula on the survival of their seedlings."Ecological Research. 15. 219-227 (2000)
[Publications] Fuma,S.,H.Takeda,K.Miyamoto,K.Yanagisawa,Y.Inoue,N.Ishii,K.Sugai,C.Ishii and Z.Kawabata: "Simple aquatic microcosm for ecotoxicity screening at the community level."Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 65. 699-706 (2000)
[Publications] Gurung.T.,M.Nakanishi and J.Urabe: "Seasonal and vertical difference in negative and positive effects of grazers on heterotropphic bacteria in Lake Biwa."Limnology and Oceanogr. 45. 1689-1696 (2000)
[Publications] Kumagai,M.,S.Nakano,C.Jiao,K.Hayakawa,S.Tsujimura,T.Nakajima,J.-J.Frenette and A.Quesada: "Effect of cyanobacterial blooms on thermal stratification."Limnology. 1. 191-195 (2000)
[Publications] Manage,M.P.,Z.Kawabata and S.Nakano: "Algicidal effect of the bacterium Alcaligenes denitrificans on Microcystis spp."Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 22(2). 111-133 (2000)
[Publications] Matsui,K.,S.Kono,A.Saeki,N.Ishii.M-G.Mangi and Z.Kawabata: "Direct and indirect interaction for coexisting in a species defined microcosm."Hydrobiologia. 435. 109-116 (2000)
[Publications] 中野伸一: "湖沼有機物動態における微生物ループでの原生動物の役割"日本生態学会誌. 50. 41-54 (2000)
[Publications] Nakano,S,and Z.Kawabata: "Changes in cell volume of bacteria and heterotrophic nanoflagellates in a hypereutrophic pond."Hydrobiologia. 428. 197-203 (2000)
[Publications] 西村文武,赤瀬孝也,川端善一郎: "人工酸性雨を用いた柑橘類樹園地土壌溶出水の水質特性とその湖沼微生物の増殖に及ぼす影響"水環境学会誌. 23(8). 510-515 (2000)
[Publications] Shikano,S.and Z.Kawabata: "Effect at ecosystem level of elevated atomospheric CO2 in an aquatic microcosm."Hydrobiologia. 436. 209-216 (2000)
[Publications] Tomaru,Y.,Z.Kawabata,and S.Nakano: "Consumption of picoplankton by the bivalve larvae of Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii."Marine Ecology Progress Series. 192. 195-202 (2000)
[Publications] Urabe,J.,T.B.Gurung,T.Yoshida,T.Sekino,M Nakanishi,M.Maruo and E.Nakyama: "Diel changes in phagotrophy by Cryptomonas in Lake Biwa."Limnol.Oceanogr.. 45. 1558-1563 (2000)
[Publications] Tsujimura,M.,A.Numaguti,L.Tian,S.Hashimoto,A.Sugimoto,M.Nakawo: "Behavior of Subsurface Water Revealed by Stable Isotope and Tensiometric Observation in the Tibetan Plateau."Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. 791(B)(in press).
[Publications] Inoue,T.,Y.Takematsu,F.Hyodo,A.Sugimoto,A.Yamada,C.Klangkaew,N.Kirtibutr and T.Abe: "The abundance and biomass of subterranean termites in a dry evergreen forest of Northeast Thailand."Sociobiology. (in press).
[Publications] Tayasu,I.,F.Hyodo,Y.Takematsu,A.Sugimoto,T.Inoue,Kirtibutr,N.and T.Abe: "Stable isotope ratios and uric acid preservation of termites belonging to three feeding habitats in Thailand."Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. (in press).
[Publications] Inoue,T.,Y.Takematsu,F.Hyodo,A.Sugimoto,A.Yamada,C.Klangkaew,N.and Kirtibutr and T.Abe: "The abundance and biomass of subterranean termites in a dry evergreen forest of Northeast Thailand."Sociobiology. (in press).
[Publications] Fujiki,Y.,M.Ito,I.Nishida and A.Watanabe: "Multiple signaling pathways in gene expression during sugar starvation : pharmacological analysis of din gene expression in suspension-cultured cells of Arabidopsis."Plant Physiol.. (in press).
[Publications] Fujiki,Y.,T.Sato,M.Ito and A.Watanabe: "Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones for the E1b and E2 subunits of the branched-chain a-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex in Arabidopsis."J.Biol.Chem.. 275. 6007-6013 (2000)
[Publications] Fujiki,Y.,Y.Yoshikawa,T.Sato,N.Inada,M.Ito,I.Nishida and A.Watanabe: "Dark-inducible genes from Arabidopsis thaliana are associated with leaf senescence and repressed by sugars."Physiol.Plant.. (in press).
[Publications] Fujita,A.,I.Shimizu and T.Abe: "Distribution of lysozyme and protease, and amino acid concentration In the guts of a wood-feeding termite, Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) : possible digestion of symbiont bacteria transferred by trophallaxis."Physiol.Entom.. (in press).
[Publications] Fujita,Y.,M.Fujita,K.Mise,T.Kobori,T.Osaki and I.Furusawa: "Bromovirus movement protein conditions for the host specificity of virus movement through the vascular system and affects pathogenicity in cowpea."Mol.Plant-Microbe Interact.. 13. 1195-1203 (2000)
[Publications] Funayama-Noguchi,S.,I.Teashima,I.and T.Yahara: "Effects of geminivirus infection on population dynamics of Eupatrium makinoi."American Journal of Botany. (in press).
[Publications] Hiraoka M.,K-I,Watanabe,K.Umezu and H.Maki: "Spontaneous loss of heterozygosity in diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells."Genetics. (in press).
[Publications] Kamei,A.,T.Yuasa,K.Orikawa,X.X.Geng and M.Ikeuchi: "A eukaryotic-type protein kinase SpkA is required for the normal motility of the unicellular cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803."J.Bacteriol.. (in press).
[Publications] Kamiya H.,H.Maki,and H.Kasai: "Two DNA polymerases of Escherichia coli display distinct misinsertion specificities for 2-Hydroxy-dATP during DNA synthesis."Biochemistry. 39. 9508-9513 (2000)
[Publications] Katoh,H.and M.Ikeuchi: "Targeted disruption of psbX and biochemical characterization of Photos ystem II complex in the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus."Plant Cell Physiol.. (in press).
[Publications] Kawabe,A.,K.Yamane and N.T.Miyashita: "DNA polymorphism at the cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi) locus region in the wild plant Arabidospis thaliana."Genetics. 156. 1339-1347 (2000)
[Publications] Kogami,H.,Y.T.Hanba,T.Kibe,I.Terashima and T.Masuzawa: "CO2 transfer conductance, leaf structure and carbon isotope composition of Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc, from low and high altitudes."Plant Cell and Environment. (in press).
[Publications] Miyashita,N.T.: "DNA variation in the 5-prime upstream region of the Adh locus of the wild plants Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabis gemmifera."Mol.Biol.Evol. (in press).
[Publications] Miyazawa,S.-I.and I.Terashima: "Slow chloroplast development in the evergreen brod-leaved tree species : relationship between leaf anatomical characteristsics and photosynthetic rate during leaf development."Plant, Cell and Environment. (in press).
[Publications] Munakata,N.,S.Kazadzis,A.Bais,K.Hieda,G.Ronto,P Rettberg and G.Horneck: "Comparisons of spore dosimetry and spectral photometry of solar-UV radiation at four sites in Japan and Europe."Photochem.Photobiol. 7. 739-746 (2000)
[Publications] Muraoka,H.,Y-H.Tang,I.Terashima,H.Koizumi and I.Washitani: "Contribution of diffusional limitation, photoinhibition and photorespiration to midday depression of photosynthesis of Arisaema heterophyllum in the natural high light."Plant, Cell and Environment. 23. 235-250 (2000)
[Publications] Nicholson,W.,N.Munakata,G.Horneck,H.Melosh and P.Setlow: "Resistance of Bacillus endospores to extreme terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments."Microbiol.Molec.Biol.Rev.. 64. 548-572 (2000)
[Publications] Noguchi,K.,C.-S.Go,I.Terashima,S.Ueda and T.Yoshinari: "Activities of the cyanide-resistant respiratory pathway in leaves of sun and shade species."Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 28. 27-35 (2001)
[Publications] Noguchi,K.,C.-S.Go,I.Terashima,S.Ueda,S.I.Miyazawa and T.Yoshinari: "Costs of protein turnover and carbohydrate export cost in sun and shade leaves."Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 28. 37-47 (2001)
[Publications] Sasaki,N.Y.Fujita,K.Mise and I.Furusawa: "Site-specific single amino acid changes to Lys or Arg in the central region of the movement protein of a hybrid bromovirus are required for adaptation to a nonhost."Virology. (in press).
[Publications] Satoh,S.,M.Ikeuchi,M.Mimuro and A.Tanaka: "Chlorophyll b is expressed in cyanobacteria functions as a light-harvesting antenna in photosystem I through flexibility of the proteins."J.Biol.Chem.. (in press).
[Publications] Tanaka,H.,D.W.Roubik,M.Kato and F.Liew et al.: "GunsalamPhylogenetic position of Apis nuluensis of northern Borneo and phylogeography of A.cerana as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences."Insectes Sociaux. 48(in press).
[Publications] Terashima,I.,S.Miyazawa and Y.T.Hanba: "Why are sun leaves with high photosynthetic rate on a area basis thicker than shade leaves?"Jourunal of Plant Research. (in press).
[Publications] Varin-Blank,N.,E.Dondi,M.Tosi,C.Hernandez,L.Boucontet,H.Gotoh,T.Shiroishi,K.Moriwaki and T.Meo: "Male-specific transcription initiation of the C4-Slp gene in mouse liver follows activation of STAT5."Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA.. (in press).
[Publications] Yoshihara,S.,F.Suzuki,H.Fujita,X.X.Geng and M.Ikeuchi: "Novel putative photorecept or and regulatory genes required for the positive phototactic movement of the unicellular motile cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803."Plant Cell Physiol.. 41. 1299-1304 (2000)
[Publications] Yoshihara S.,X.X.Geng,S.Okamoto,K.Yura,T.Murata,M.Go,M.Ohmori and M.Ikeuchi: "Mutational analysis of genes involved in pilus structure, motility and transformation competency in the unicellular motile cyanobacterium synechocystis sp.PCC 6803."Plant Cell Physiol.. (in press).
[Publications] Fujita,I.,I.Shimizu,and T.Abe: "Disribution of lysozyme and protease, and amino acid concentration in the guts of a wood-feeding termite, Reticulitermes speratus (Kolbe) : possible digestion of symbiont bacteria transferred by trophallaxis."Physiological Entomology. 26. 1-8 (2000)
[Publications] 清水勇,谷口賢記,河合豊,青木摂之: "日本ミツバチの概日リズムとピリオド遺伝子の研究"日本時間生物学会誌. 6. 84 (2000)
[Publications] Genkai-Kato,M.,K.Nozaki,H.Mitsuhashi,Y.Khomatsu,H.Miyasaka and M.Nakanishi: "Push-up response of stonefly larvae in low-oxygen conditions. Ecological Research."Ecological Research. 14. 175-179 (2000)
[Publications] Gurung,T.B.,M.Nakanishi and J.Urabe: "Seasonal and vertical difference in negative and positive effects of grazeres on heterotrophic bacteria in Lake Biwa."Limnology and Oceanography. 45(8). 1689-1696 (2000)
[Publications] Urabe,J.,T.B.Gurung,T,Yoshida,T.Sekino and M.Nakanishi: "Diel changes in phagotrophy by Cryptomonas in Lake Biwa."Limnology and Oceanography. 45(7). 1558-1563 (2000)
[Publications] Ueda,S.,C.Go,T.Yoshioka,N.Yoshida,E.Wada,T.Miyajima,A.Sugimoto,N.Boontanon,P.Vijarnsom and S.Boonrakub: "Dynamics of dissolved O2, CO2, CH4, and N2O in a tropical coastal swamp in southern Thailand."Biogeochemistry. 49. 191-215 (2000)
[Publications] Boontanon,N.,S.Ueda,P.Kanatharana and E.Wada: "Instramolecular Stable Isotope Rations of N2O in the Tropical Swamp Forest in Thailand."Naturwissenschaften. 87. 188-192 (2000)
[Publications] Matsubara,T.,N.Boontanon,S.Ueda,P.Kanatharana and E.Wada: "Nitrogen and carbon cycles of peat swamp forests and surrounding areas in Narathiwat, Thailand, inferred from δ 13C and δ 15N analyses."Proceedings of the International Symposium on : TOROPICAL PEAT LANDS. 245-253 (2000)
[Publications] Kohzu,A.,T.Tateishi,A.Yamada,K.Koba and E.Wada: "Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during Nitrogen Transport from Ectomcorrhizal Fungi, Suillus granulatus, to the Host Plant, Pinus deniflora."Soil Sci.Plant Nutr. 46(3). 733-739 (2000)
[Publications] Ogawa,N.O.,K.Yoshii,G.N.Melnik,A.N.Bondarenko,A.O.Timoshkin and S.N.Smirnova-Zalumi et al.: "Carbon and nitrogen isotope studies of pelagic ecosystem and environmental fluctuations of Lake Baikal."LAKE BAIKAL. 262-272 (2000)
[Publications] Timoshkin,O.A.,N.A.Bondarenko,L.A.Obolkina,N.G.Melnik and L.S.Kravtsova: "Pelagic and benthic communities of Baikal : correlation of the cycles in their development. Sustainable Watershed with emphasis on Lake Ecosystems."DIWPA Series. 4(in press).
[Publications] Afanasyeva,E.L.,G.I.Popovskaya,M.M.Podtyazhkina and N.G.Melnik: "nterannual variations in the abundance of the copepod Epischura baicalensis sars (copepoda, calanoida), a Lake Bailal endemic. Sustainable Watershed with emphasis on Lake Ecosystems."DIWPA Series. 4(in press).
[Publications] Bondarenk,N.A.and V.K.Evstafyev: "Solar rhythms in the Lake Baikal phytoplankton. Sustainable Watershed with emphasis on Lake Ecosystems."DIWPA Series. 4(in press).
[Publications] Khodzher,T.V.,L.M.Sorokvikova,V.M Domysheva and L.M.Gorbunova et al.: "Biogenic elements in the water of Lake Baikal and its tributaries nowadays. Sustainable Watershed with emphasis on Lake Ecosystems."DIWPA Series. 4(in press).
[Publications] Fujita,N.,N.Amartuvshin,T.Uchida and E.Wada: "Biodiversity and sustainability of Mongolian grasslands. Sustainable Watershed with emphasis on Lake Ecosystems."DIWPA Series. 4(in press).
[Publications] Eguchi,K.: "Two new Pheidole species with a 5-segmented antennal club (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)."Entomological Science. 3(4). 687-692 (2001)
[Publications] Eguchi,K.: "A taxonomic study on Asian Pheidole (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) : new synonymy, rank changes, lectotype designations and redescriptions."Insect Koreana. 18(1). 1-35 (2001)
[Publications] Ito,F.,Sk.Yamane,K.Eguchi,W.A.Noerdjito,S.Kahono,K.Tsuji,K.Ohkawara,K.Yamauchi,T.Nishida and K.Nakamura: "Ant species diversity in the Bogor Botanic Garden, West Java, Indonesia, with descriptions of two new species of the genus Leptanilla (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)."Tropics. 10(3). 379-404 (2000)
[Publications] Jupailin,N.,M.Maryati and Sk.Yamane: "Social wasp fauna (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) of Kinabalu Park, Sabah, Malaysia."Sabah Parks Nature Journal. 3. 55-62 (2000)
[Publications] Kato,M.,T.Itioka,S.Sakai,K.Momose,Sk.Yamane,Abang A.Hamid and T.Inoue.: "Various population fluctuation patterns of light-attracted beetles in a tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak."Population Ecology. 42(1). 97-104 (2000)
[Publications] Terayama,M.and Sk.Yamane: "Lasiomyrma, a new stenammine ant genus from Southeast Asia (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)."Entomological Science. 3(3). 523-527 (2000)
[Publications] Nakagawa,M.,K.Tanaka,T.Nakashizuka,T.Ohkubo,T Kato,T.Maeda,M.Sato and H.Miguchi et al.: "Impact of severe drought associated with the 1997-1998 E1 Nino in a tropical forest in Sarawak."Journal of Tropical Ecology. (in press).
[Publications] 中静透,井崎淳平,松井淳,長池卓男: "「あがりこ」ブナ林の成因について"日本林学会誌. 82. 171-178 (2000)
[Publications] Wall,D.,H.Mooney,G.Adam,G.Boxshall,A.Dobson,T.Nakashizuka,J.Seyani,C.Samper and J.Sarukhan: "An International Biodiversity Observation Year."Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 16. 52-54 (2001)
[Publications] 日浦勉: "「森と川、それぞれの役割と相互作用-フィールドステーションで生物多様性と生態系機能を調べる-」科学 71"岩波書店. 67-76 (2001)
[Publications] 重定南奈子: "「バクテリアコロニーが形成するパターン」In(本多久夫 編)New Biophsics Series生物のかたちの数理と物理"共立出版. 17-35 (2000)
[Publications] 重定南奈子: "「環境によって変わる相互作用」In:(沼田真 編)「生命の地球」第6巻"三友社出版. 62-69 (2000)
[Publications] 大串隆之: "生態系に見る共生のしくみ『生命の地球6:食う食われる生物たち』"三友社出版. 54-61 (2000)
[Publications] 大串隆之: "ダイナミックな生物間相互作用 -昆虫と植物との関係-『群集生態学の現在』(佐藤宏明,安田弘法,山本智子 編)"京都大学学術出版会. (2001)
[Publications] 市野隆雄: "「アリと植物-共生の自然史」In:ハチとアリの自然史(前田泰生,伊藤文紀,杉浦直人 編)"北海道大学図書刊行会(in press).
[Publications] 市野隆雄,市岡孝朗: "「生物間相互作用の歴史的過程-アリ植物をめぐる生物群集の共進化」In:群集生態学の現在(佐藤宏明,安田弘法,山本智子 編)"京都大学学術出版会. (2001)
[Publications] 村上正志: "「森林における鳥-虫-植物の三者関係」In(菊沢喜八郎,甲山隆司 編)森の自然史-複雑系の生態学-"北大図書刊行会. (2000)
[Publications] Sugimoto,A.,D.E.Bignell and J.A.MacDonald: ""Global impact of termites on the carbon cycle and atmospheric trace gases." In Termites : Evolution, Sociality, Symbioses, Ecology"Kluwers Academic Publishers. 409-435 (2000)
[Publications] 清水勇: "「地球生態系と光環境」Inシリーズ光が拓く生命科学第2巻く日本光生物学協会編)"共立出版. 30-43 (2000)
[Publications] 宗像信生: "「環境紫外線に対する微生物の応答とバイオセンサーとしての利用」In(日本光生物学協会編)シリーズ光が拓く生命科学第4巻"共立出版. 51-64 (2000)
[Publications] Ohad I.,K.Sonoike and B.Andersson: "Probing Photosynthesis : Mechanism, Regulation and Adaptation, (M.Yunus,U.Pathre and P.Mohanty, eds.)"Taylor & Francis. 293-309 (2000)
[Publications] 中静透: "「里山の植物の多様性」In里山を考える101のヒント"日本林業技術協会. 134-135 (2000)
[Publications] 中静透: "生態科学と時間スケール 科学71"37-42 (2001)
[Publications] 永益英敏: "「熱帯アジアの植物相」In岩槻邦男,加藤雅啓(編)多様性の生物学1,植物の世界"東京大学出版会. v+323 (2000)